Chapter 8: Rumors

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"President Wang, what are we going to do with the rumors circulating?"-Haoxuan asked.

The alpha looked at him coldly, brought his fingers altogether then rested the back of his palms underneath his chin, appearing to have deep thoughts.

"Inform the public relation and human resource department to work all together in clearing the rumors circulating within the internet then handle the top searches and take them down afterward."

"Release a statement, to help verify that those rumors were fake. We'll have a press conference to clear and resolve this issue."

Haoxuan nodded his head and didn't complain. He had foreseen that something like this would happen. Now, they arrived at this point. What worries him the most, is that the media were now spreading rumors, that his boss was the father of Zhan's child. They were saying that the unborn baby will mostly become President Wang's illegitimate child. Moreover, even hyperbolically saying that the alpha and Zhan, decided to keep it a secret. For it was considered taboo for both families to have a child before marriage, out of wedlock.

The alpha just turned 28, three days ago but then this happened. It was a worse birthday gift, he'd say. Such terrible news for CEO Wang. And because of that, his position to be the next head of the Wang family might be threatened and would create a greater probability for his position to be snatched away from his grip. The old Chairman Wang, Yibo's grandfather couldn't tolerate such things.

He sighed and then leave the alpha's office. He wouldn't surely believe those rumors on the internet were true. His boss wasn't the father of that unborn child inside Zhan's womb. He cannot be...

After 28 years of Yibo's existence. It was the first time that he had encountered something like this. He hasn't involved himself in any scandals and rumors but now, just because he took Zhan's out that night, this thing happened.

The two of them were being photographed, leaving at a restaurant in Huangpu District. In the picture, he was assisting the omega, securing him, almost embracing him while pressing his fingers against his shoulder pulling Zhan closer to him, as his other hand held the umbrella, to protect themselves from the rain.

From that angle, no one can perceive or comprehend the identity of the person beside him. But then, another photo started circulating on the internet. It was a picture of Zhan, waiting at the entrance of his restaurant.

The netizens connected the dots and compared that photo of Zhan, to the first one and came to conclusion. That Zhan was the figure being photographed together with Yibo, during that night.

He doesn't know who dared to spread those fabricated rumors and used the internet and different social media platforms to execute their plans, to pull him and Zhan into this scandal.

They must do all they can,  to unravel who is/are the mastermind/s behind those rumors.

What he was worried about? He feared that the omega is already aware of the rumors about them.

If his employees couldn't instantly resolve this conflict then he'll have no choice but to hire a private investigator.

Yuyuan came to his mind after he heard the rumors. That omega had the greatest desire and urge to do something like this, because of his hatred and jealousy toward Zhan. He can do anything to ruin the omega's reputation. After all, Zhan was favored highly by the Patriarch of Xiao's household, before none of these happened. But his side remained quiet after all this time. After having the agreement and signing the contract altogether, Yuyuan remained quiet. As for now, he hadn't done anything to cause trouble nor cause a scene at his stepbrother's restaurant, like what he had done in the past.

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