Chapter 13: The Rut

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This chapter includes content that can cause uneasiness to some readers.
  - Self-harm
  - Alpha who's in rut


Zhan's mood deteriorated. He celebrated his twentieth birthday last Monday, 2 days after he left Yibo's residence and returned home. Yet, the alpha didn't visited him, not even once. He tried to visit the alpha yet the guards at their post said, that the Mr. Wang had prohibited visits for a while. He called Secretary Wang yet the alpha said, that his boss went into a business trip and he'll be back for a week or two. But he found it odd, he could still visit Aunt Cheng yet this happened.

Day 4, he stayed at his restaurant, helping the others if he had time to... Yubin called and said that he'll come to visit soon. He hasn't visited the farm yet, not even once. He'll promise himself that he will, after giving birth to his baby.

It's been four days and he'll admit it, he misses the alpha. He haven't seen his face neither the alpha had answered his calls nor responded to his messages. He was saddened, Yibo hasn't informed him that he'll be gone. But he understood the situation. He was just his friend after all. The alpha doesn't have any obligations to tell him his whereabouts, schedule, location, etc. Also, maybe Yibo had a tight schedule, therefore he doesn't have time to return his messages neither answer his calls.

Along with this unexplainable feeling of being blue, he was also worried. He hoped that the alpha was doing okay.

On the other hand, Secretary Wang driven his boss car and evacuated the alpha in one of his villas in Huangpu District. The alpha was on rut. The whole villa became quiet, with only a few staffs left who were betas.

They cannot take the risk to let any omegas within the vicinity. A scent of an omega pheromones might triggers his boss rut. They didn't want that to happen.

Secretary Wang was in charge of Yibo's phone and laptop. He didn't dare to answer Zhan's texts or calls. He didn't also dare to let the alpha get a hold of his phone.

Zhan, is the omega whom Yibo loves. So with that kind of emotion along side with the rut if he happened to hear the omega's voice, the alpha would surely lost his self control. His possessive and desire to be with his omega will break free and he will surely find a way to go back, directly at Zhan's residence. It would be very fatal, for no one could stop the alpha who's in rut, if he happened to go berserk.

And Yibo instructed him to do those things. He shouldn't have any contact with Zhan, for a week. They cannot be so careless and let the alpha hear even Zhan's voice. The pure breed dominant alpha who's experiencing a rut can be very agitated, easily annoyed and can be very horny.

Yibo had managed to deal with his rut for many years, all by himself without encountering any troubles with anyone, neither with any omegas. Now, that he met Zhan whom he thought that his fated pair, the hardship intensified. The desire to hold back, from marking Zhan is very hard to resist and fight with.

That said alpha who's in rut was sitting at the middle of his bed. The pillows were ripped into two. They stuffings scattered on the bed, some were dancing on the air and even to the extent that some strangled on Yibo's hair. The quilt were thrown on the floor and the alpha sat there motionless with his head low. The whole room turned messy. The vase at the side table was smashed on the whole. The broken remnants of it, scattered on the floor.

Yibo was a very organized person. He kept everything in order, neatly and precise also with his appearance. He always appeared clean and dignified, yet he looked the opposite. His hair was disheveled, and his clothes were wrinkled.  He was panting, catching his breathe as the heat took a reign all overy his being. His body temperature arises, so as his libido.

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