Saved by a snake

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A/N: Not a fan of the end but whatever, proud of the story

Tsukishima prayed they answered.

"Hello? Kuroo, didn't know you still had my number."

Daishou snickered on the other side of the line. His friends nudged the dice toward him, his turn to roll. He held off and put the phone on speaker.

"Daishou-san? I'm not Kuroo, my name is Tsukishima Kei. His boyfriend. I'll be brief and please don't interrupt, I'm on a time limit."

Daishou hummed as he rolled the dice.

"Go ahead, you're on speaker."

"Long stories short. I'm in jail, well I've been bailed out. Kuroo's stepmom started a fight, she decided Kuroo would take the heat while she ran away."

Daishou scoffed, "What's that got to do with me?

"Kuroo told me to call you."

"Well, what am I supposed to do?"

"I am in need of a place to stay for the night. Kuroo's stepmother hates us both but can't throw Kuroo out. Also, I live too far away to just go home right now."

Daishou thought it over for a moment. He looked around the room at his friends, who nodded in approval. Daishou really did not want to do this.

"We need another player. If you come you join us in Team Game Night, plus my girlfriend, you can stay."

There was silence on the line before a large and long sigh was heard.

"Are there any farm animals present and are you blacklisted on police lines?"

The room burst with laughter.

"What the hell! Hahaha." -Sakishima

"I'll send you my location. I'm the blond. See you soon."

With that, the line went dead and Diashou stood up to get his coat. Mika got up as well but headed to the kitchen. She handed a snack and an extra coat to Diashou and pecked him on the cheek.

"Be nice, okay?"

Daishou blushed and nodded. He returned the kiss, grabbed his keys, and headed off to the sent location.

Throughout the drive. Daishou was contemplating why he was even called. He and Kuroo did not have a very solid relationship, frenemies for sure. He did not understand why, out of everyone, Kuroo had trusted him to take care of his boyfriend. Not only that, but he knew he would even help said boyfriend. 

It was pissing Daishou off. 

He turned the final corner and saw a blond sitting on the curb. His arms were wrapped around his legs and he was messing with the phone in his hand, though there was no light coming from it. 

Daishou stopped and rolled down his window.


The blond looked up and came to the window.


Daishou nodded and unlocked the door, "get in."

Tsukishima did so. Once in the car, Tsukishima rubbed his arms, trying to warm up. Daishou handed him the extra jacket, which he took. 

The drive back was almost as quiet as the drive there. Tsukishima had only asked what game they would be playing, in an attempt to ease the tension. Though, with the large bruise on his neck, that was difficult. 

"We started with Monopoly-" Tsukishima chuckled. "-and when we get there, we are switching to go fish."

Tsukishima did not turn to look at him, keeping his attention outside the window, but he did respond.

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