Quit It

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"Tetsu! You need to have more control over your class. Seriously, they can't keep posting little tidbits about you on Twitter. You're gonna get fired." -Tdukishima

Kuroo sighed.

"I know! I told them to stop it! They didn't take me seriously!" -Kuroo

It was Tsukishima's turn to sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Whatever. Let's just head to bed, it's late."

The next class went as usual. Kuroo talked and taught as students listened over zoom.

Kuroo was one of the few who didn't require the camera's on, he knew the value of privacy. However, he also made sure to ask questions specific to the students with their cameras off. Making the statement clear 'camera on=less likely to be asked questions, camera off=pay attention or be embarrassed.'

Nevertheless, the class liked him and they all had fun. Kuroo sometimes would indulge them in little doses of his private life and funny stories. Though, one short talk about the famous Kenma had him on Twitter. This continued even after Kenma was no longer mentioned.

Kuroo told them to quit it or he could lose his job. The threat didn't really seem to sink in because Kuroo was always laid back and chill, letting minor things go. So, no one really thought he was gonna do anything serious about it.

And they were right, almost.

See, his husband was going to do something about it.

So, at the end of class, Kuroo called for everyone's attention.

"Alright, class! The last thing for today! And don't moan and groan please, this isn't school related, kinda. Take it away, Tsuki"

Kuroo got up from his seat and Tsukishima sat down in his place.

"I'm Kuroo Kei, aka Tsukishima Kei on campus. I teach paleontology and natural history. ."

Tsukishima narrowed his eyes and smirked.

"If one of you fckers posts something about my husband on any platform without his consent again, I'll make sure you regret it when you're on the streets cause you were expelled from college, and in debt up to your eyeballs. Clear?"

There was no response for a moment.

"Clear?" Tsukishima snarled.

At one moment, everyone unmuted and responded, crystal. It sounded like one voice almost.

"Good, enjoy your day."

Tsukishima got up as Kuroo took back his spot. Tsukishima kissed him and left, Kuroo waving as he walked out of the room.

Kuroo turned to the meeting and ended it with a large smile on his face.

"Any final questions for today?" -Kuroo

Someone bravely unmuted and said something that could have then been suspended under normal circumstances.

"Kuroo-sensei, where you hit on the head as a child?"

Kuroo threw his head back and laughed. A stray tear streamed down his face from laughing so hard.

"No no, I'm fine. If that's all, you can leave. Any more questions can be emailed to me."

With that, Kuroo closed the meeting and headed to the living room with a spring in his step and a smile on his face.

Haikyuu Shorts Vol. 2!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora