Baki baki ni ore

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Background: Semi releases Tendou's song to the world.

"I wanted to create a song counseling my high school experience and help where that was for me. It took me like two months to realize this was not going to work. In my prostration in anger, I stayed at home and got a few bottles Of whiskey. I think I don't remember. I got really drunk and was remembering a high school game, specifically my last one. Remember a song my friend made up. I wrote it down I am in my drunken stupor, went to bed and that was that. I wake up the next morning to see the chicken scratch on my arm and takes me 20 minutes to decipher it. And then boom I have the song, no idea what happened last night. In one night, I got 2000 more followers from something that happened that night I still don't know what."

"Well! That's Semi Eita and his new hit single!"

In a week, the single was on the top 10 and remained there for a solid month. 

When Semi told Tendou, he cried. Tendou cried even harder when Semi sent him a video of his fans singing said song while on tour. 15,000 people singing Tendou's weird song. 

"Kone gone ne kudake. Nani wo?" -Semi

Seishi wo daiyo his fans shouted.

Tendou ended up sobbing on the floor.


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