Parent Teacher Meeting

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A/N: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy whatever you celebrate.

I am at my grandparents house so I will slow down on the posting. However, there will be a Christmas fix, maybe two?

Anyway, the kids are like 8.

Kuroo and Tsukishima sat across from their son's teacher. They also sat next to another couple. The poor teacher looked disappointed and tired.

"So, Kenta has been having some trouble with communicating with others. Especially with Haru."

Kuroo looked concerned and Tsukishima just listened. The other couple remained quiet.

"What's the issue?" -Kuroo

The teacher rubbed her temples and sighed.

"He says very mean things to the other children and me. I have tried to discipline him but he refuses to listen. He only refuses to tease Kyoujirou. Earlier this week, he got into a fight."

The teacher nodded towards the other couple who seemed very upset. Kuroo gasped and Tsukishima frowned. Kuroo made a motion for her to continue speaking.

"He made a comment and Haru reacted badly. He slapped him in the face. Kenta glared and said 'at least I know you hit like how attractive your personality is.'"

Kuroo's mouth gaped. Tsukishima put his hand to his mouth and turned his head away. Obviously trying to hold back a laugh. He was failing.

"Kei! This is serious!" -Kuroo

Tsukishima calmed down and looked at Kuroo for moment then laughed again. He tried to apologize but kept laughing.

The other couple looked pissed as hell.

"How dare you laugh! This is serious! Your son is a brat and insulted our child!" -Mom

Kuroo looked angerly at the other couple.

"Then your kid shouldn't hit people."

When Kuroo was really mad, he saw no reason to yell. He got quiet and sharp as a needle. Tsukishima and Kuroo were the rare people who got smarter when they were mad, not dumber.

"If your kid hadn't said such mean things then Haru wouldn't have had to slap him!" -Father

"Your son is a brat! He is horrible! A piece of-" -Mom


They all turned to the teacher.

"Haru and Kenta will apologize to each other. I want Haru to be less physical, this is not his first outburst. I want Kenta to learn to control his mouth. Do we understand?"

They all nodded yes. The teacher brought in the two boys and they apologized. Kuroo and the other father headed out to their cars with their children.

Tsukishima and the mother stayed behind for some final comments about their sons. As they were leaving, Tsukishika took a look at the pearls around the mothers neck.

"Your face is as fake as your pearls."

With that, Tsukishima headed to Kuroo and Kenta. He got in the car and buckled up. Kuroo kissed his cheek before he drove away.

"Are you guys mad at me?" -Kenta

Tsukishkma turned to look at Kenta in the back. Then he face forward again.

"Tetsu, head to the bakery. We are havin go cake for dinner."

Kuroo just snickered and drove to the bakery with a shit-eating grin on his face.


Haikyuu Shorts Vol. 2!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora