Mujinazaka and Karasuno bus

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Kiryuu saw Karasuno standing by the bus pickup, looking around for their bus. He walked over to them.

"Do you guys need a ride to the airport? We have room." -Kiryuu

"Yes please." -Sugawara

The team got on the other bus, but Tsukishima was still in the bathroom. Daichi walked up to their Coach.

"Sensei. We still have a first-year in the bathroom. Could you wait a moment?" -Daichi

"Of course. Well wait." -Coach

Karasuno took some seats, some of them sat next to members of Mujinazaka. They quickly situated themselves.

Hondo popped up and rested in the back of the seat Tanaka picked.

"Is the first year we are missing the one who blocked Ushiwaka?" -Hondo

"Yes, he is! But be warned!" -Tanaka

"He is a rude jackass of a person! He'll chew you up and spit you out with no mercy!" -Noya added from next to Tanaka

Noya and Tanaka were having too much fun roasting their salt shaker when he wasn't there.

"He's incredibly beautiful but his personality is horrible and he's so rude. Saltier than the ocean." -Tanaka

Too bad they didn't hear Tsukishima come up behind them.

"Ahhh Tanaka-senpai Nishinoya-senpai. What a surprise. What else do you failing-every-class-and-come-to-me-for-help senpai think of me? I should know since you only share half a brain cell." -Tsukishima stood next the two and said every word so condescendingly, with the classic smirk on his face.

"You must be Tsukishima Kei. I'm Unnan Keisuke. Pleasure. It was very impressive to see you block Ushijima. Though I wish I saw more of your skills since your hand was injured." - Unnan extending his hand

'Here we go' Karasuno thought

Tsukishima looked at Unnan's hand for a moment before taking it.

"Pleasure, your match was very...enjoyable to watch."

There was silence for a moment before Karasuno flipped out.

"Since when are you nice?!" -Tanaka

"What the hell!" -Noya

"Tsukishima is actually incredibly well mannered around peers and people he respects!" -Yamaguchi

Tanaka and Noya squawked.

"I have no respect for you two." -Tsukishima

Unnan pushed Hondo out of the seat next to him and offered it to Tsukishima. He eyed it skeptically and glanced to Yamaguchi, who gave him a thumbs up.

Tsukishima sat next to Unnan and put his bag on the bar above him. The bus pulled out of the station and they were off.

When they got to the drop of spot for Karasuno, and they got off. Tsukishima slightly bowed to Unnan as he got off.

Daichi came to the back by Unnan and grabbed a water bottle Tsukishima left.

"Oh, Unnan, Tsukishima isn't single, just so you know," Daichi raised his hand to silence him before he could respond, "sorry, but his relationship is going to last a long time."

Unnan nodded and Daichi got off.

They pulled away and Unnan sighed. Hondo took his old seat back and pushed Unnan's head into the window.

"Don't worry! You're stuck with me." -Hondo

That, surprisingly, made him feel a little better.


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