Cupcakes and Misunderstandings

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A/N: this is my version of what happened in a story I read. The story is Sugar, Cream, Cake, Love by matchamarimo.

"Why did you make my cupcake? Why? To prove a point or just some sick joke?" -Tsukishima

Tsukishima kept his eyes focused on the strawberry cupcake even as his vision became blurry.

"No.  I just wanted to see if I could do it. If I could make a cupcake as good as yours." -Kuroo

Something inside Tsukishima began to move, making his stomach churn. He felt like he was going to vomit. Insecurity hitting him full force at the fact that Kuroo thought he could do better than Tsukishima with his own recipe.

Tsukishima carefully took the cupcake out of the box, one hand holding the bottom of the cupcake and the other fisted against the countertop.

Tsukishima flipped the cupcake over and smushed it into the countertop. Kuroo's eyes went wide with shock.

"Tsuki! What the hell!"

"So that's it. It's not enough that you hate my cupcakes but to think you would try to make them better than mine with my own recipe! You think you're so big and great! Just because something is kinda boring and lacks flavor doesn't mean it's worthless! Especially not to the people who made it! Not to me and my stupid boring idiotic cupcakes!"

Tsukishima turned and threw a reject cupcake at the wall. Those were not meant to be sold and were usually given to food shelters or the bakers ate them. They were good just not pretty and couldn't be sold.

Tsukishima was angry, but not at Kuroo -well a little bit- but at himself for not being able to impress the one person he idolized. Tsukishima just lost it and started smashing the rejects with his fists.

When he was done his forearms and the countertop was covered in icing from lopsided animals. He was panting and choking up from the tears that threatened to spill.

His breathing slowed as he finally gave up. Kuroo would never like his cupcakes and that was ok. Well, he could live with it, sorta. (Not really).

He began to cry as he bent over the counter, his forehead resting in the mashed cupcakes. He felt Kuroo's hand come to his lower back.

He jerked the handoff as just kept crying.

"My goal wasn't to make your cupcake better than you, I just wanted to see if I could come close. You're an amazing baker and I respect you. I heard a little orange birdie tell me that you thought I hate you and your cupcakes, but I don't."

Tsukishima turned his face to Kuroo. His eyes were red and swollen, his lips were quivering and he looked tired.

"I love them. You and your cupcakes."

Tsukishkma gasped and grabbed at Kuroo. He began to sob into his chest, lightly punching him. Was this too much sobbing? Yes, but he hasn't gotten a full night's sleep- hell- he hasn't gotten more than four hours of sleep in almost three days. He still had work to do and was absolutely a mess.

But Kuroo still held him in his arms as he cried.

Kuroo turned to look at the kitchen door when it opened. Revealing Akiteru and one of their bakers. Akiteru walked over to ask what was wrong but Kuroo talked first. Well, whispered first.

"I'm gonna take him home so he can get some sleep."

Akiteru nodded and the two left for Tsukishima's house.


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