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Background: The principal went to the Tokyo training camp for school reasons.

"Let's hope his snappy rug doesn't come off again." -Tanaka

Daichi smacked him upside the head.

The game resumed as Bokuto hit a spike and Noya received. Unfortunately, the ball went out and hit the principal in the face. His snappy rug floating in the wind.

Everyone paused.

Surprisingly, it wasn't Bokuto's laugh that broke the silence, but Akaashi's laugh.

Ukai held in his laughter and he crouched to the ground. The rest of Karasuno was doing something similar. Even Tsukishima was leaning his head against a pole to stop his laughter.

The rest of the teens quickly began laughing as well. 

The principal blushed and grumbled. He put his rug back on his head and turned to Ukai with an angry look on his face.

"Ukai, outside."

Ukai stopped laughing and sighed as he got up and followed the principal out of the gym. He made a face that said 'you won't survive when i'm done with him.'

However, no one noticed as they kept laughing. Many of them were rolling on the floor.

Teenagers scare the living shit out of me.

It's a little late for this trend but whatever.


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