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Tdukishima quickly pressed on the back of Kuroo's head, smashing it into the table. He sat up with a groan and rubbed his forehead.

Akiteru snickered from across the table.

"Dont laugh at him." -Tsuki

"Whatever, it's not like you can get me."

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow and glanced towards his mom, who gave a slight nod.

Tsukishima quickly sat up and grabbed the back of Akiteru's head, smashing it into the table. Again, Akiteru sat up with a groan.

Kuroo's moms looked shocked by this behavior but quickly found it funny.

Akiteru protested saying that he should get a turn to hit Tsukishima.

"No, you asked for it. Go get some ice please, your head and Kuroo's will need it." -Kei's mom

Akiteru grumbled as he got up and grabbed ice.

While he was gone, Tsuki's mom began to talk again.

"All is fair. Akiteru may have asked for it but you still hurt Tetsurou, Kei."

Tsukishima prepared to jump away from his mothers grasp, but didn't see his father behind him. His father smashed his head into the table and quickly let go.

It was Kei's turn to groan at the pain.

"Sorry Kuroo." -Kei

The brothers eyed their mom, to get revenge. When Akiteru jumped to do it, she slunk down and he got his father, sitting next to her, instead.

When she sat back up, she began laughing hard. Her husband smiled as he smashed her head into the table as well. She rose again with shock on her face.

Kuroo's moms were the first to break the silence with their intense laughter. Grabbing onto each other for stability.

Kuroo stood up and pressed both of their heads into the table, quickly sitting back down.

It was a weird way to bond for sure, but very funny.


Sorry for the mini break. Getting back to a regular schedule is a little tricky. Don't worry though, I've got plenty of stories to share!

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