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Akaashi stared at Bokuto's face.

"You ok Akaashi?" -Bokuto asked nervously

Akaashi walked up to him and lifted his hand. He gently poked the older's cheek. He did it again slowly and held it down.

"Umm, Akaashi?" -Bokuto

"What are you doing?" -Konoha

Akaashi raised his other hand and grabbed both cheeks. Then he dropped his hands.

"Huh." -Akaashi

He began to walk away.

"What was that?!" -Komi

"I don't know! Akaashi what?!" -Bokuto

"Your cheeks are really squishy." -Akaashi

Anahori walked up to Bokuto and poked his cheek.

"He's right. They are really squishy." -Anahori

In a moment everyone was poking and squishing Bokuto's cheeks. Bokuto swatted their hands away and ran, trying to get them to stop. Coach Yamiji entered the gym and quickly put a stop to this. 

"Alright, what is going on?"

"Coach, Bokuto's cheeks are so soft and squishy." -Yukei

Coach waved Bokuto over and poked his cheek. "Huh, who would've thought. Anyway, its time for practice."

Coach Yamiji clapped his hands and sighed. 'I am too old for this.'

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