Fight (Angst)

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A/N: I am very proud of this and I hope you enjoy it! It was inspired by a Bokuaka picture of them in a fist fight and I cannot find it for the life of me!
This will be angsty but there is a happy end, I promise!

Akaashi was tired. He has pulled two all nighters because his cousins couldn't let him study or do homework during the day and he had to do it while they slept. Not only that but he still had practice, two tests (which he most definitely failed), and grandparents who wouldn't stop riding his ass to date girls. Which he had already said he didn't like.

His parents tried to damped them all down, asking them to leave him alone. That he has work to do, friends and people to see outside them.

Now he was at practice, dreading going home to his extended family, and had to control Bokuto.

"What's up Akaashi? You've been upset all day." -Bokuto

Akaashi scoffed.

"Hey, there is no reason to be mean, I'm just concerned." -Bokuto


"What is your problem. You're acting like a child."

Akaashi just scoffed again and brushed him off.

There was tension between them, tension Bokuto tried to relieve.

It was the end of the day and Bokuto was about to ask to stay late with Akaashi.

"Hey, Akaashi! Set me a few extra, okay?" Bokuto


Akaashi just wanted to go home and lock himself in the bathroom and sleep in the tub.

Bokuto was taken aback. Akaashi usually said sure, he's never said no.

"I-ok." -Bokuto

"Problem with that?" -Akaashi

"N-no. I just wanted to be a good ace, y'know."

"Yeah Bokuto I know. Everyone knows. How could they not know?! I mean c'mon with the way you brag, it's impossible not to know!"

"Akaashi, calm down! There is no need to yell."

"You yell all the time! Maybe you should listen to what I say more! Or do you just not care about anyone but yourself?! With the way you act it seems like it! It's always me me me! You don't deserve to be the top 5 ace! You don't deserve to even be an ace! Your a stupid boy talking big! When in reality! You are a an annoying brat no one wants to be around! Cant you just act your age for once in your miserable life!? I honestly doubt you have the mental compacity for something like that! After all, you are just a dumb child that no one likes!" -Akaashi

Akaashi paused at his last sentence, not even realizing how far he went until it was too late. He looked up at Bokuto, who was frozen with a pissed off look on his face.

"That last one was to far, I'm sor-"

Akaashi was cut off with a strong fist connecting to his brow. He fell to the ground.

Bokuto kneeled down and grabbed his shirt as he kept punching Akaashi, full force. He switched hands to get his full power behind the punches. Akaashi tried to get him off with his legs. He ended up shoving his feet into Bokuto's chest, but that still wasn't enough.

With one final hit to his jaw, Bokuto dropped him to the floor. Akaashi just spread out and collapsed on the ground panting lightly. He coughed and a few drops of blood came up.

Bokuto looked at Akaashi and the damage he had done. His knuckles were bloody, the blood running down his hands and fingers. Akaashi's face was messed up, with blood coming from a split lip and brow, broken nose, and the side of his head. Plus a large bruise on his cheek and neck from where Bokuto held him down.

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