Happy Birthday Sensei

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A/N: I am aware that Takeda's b-day isn't for a while, but I've had this in my drafts since mid-2021 and would like to post it. 

Karasuno was finishing up the decorations in the gym for Takeda's birthday. It was looking good so far as they put up streamers, a banner, balloons, and set up the cake. They were almost ready as Noya ran in saying that Takeda had finished early.

"Ukai-san! Can you distract him for twenty more minutes?" -Daichi

Ukai nodded and headed out to catch Takeda. When he saw him, Takeda looked kind of sad.

"What is wrong, specs?" -Ukai

Takeda flinched and looked at Ukai with shock on his face.

"Sorry, didn't know you were there. But nothing is wrong! I'm just a little tired."

"Ok, wanna take a break before practice?"

Takeda paused for a moment, in thought.


They sat down on a bench on the school grounds and watched the sky and blossomed sakura trees.

"Y'know, specs, I'm really happy you kept pestering me to teach the kids and coach. Thanks."

"You're welcome. I couldn't do it, I still can't do much but I'm happy they are becoming something great."

Takeda smiled.

"Takeda, would you like to go out on a date later? I like you a lot and would like to get to know you more." 

Takeda nodded and then they began to chat. When Ukai stalled for as long as he could, which was a measly 10 minutes, Takeda got up to head to the gym.

Ukai stood in front of Takeda and prepared himself for what he was about to do.

Ukai grabbed the back of Takeda's neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He wrapped his other arm around Takeda's waist and pulled him close. Takeda wrapped his arms around Ukai's neck and kissed back. They pulled back quickly and panted. 

Ukai dragged Takeda behind the school -not the gym- and bought the kids 7 more minutes. Though, he hated to think of it that way since he did really want this. 

They didn't go far, just made out. Kissing and holding each other, Ukai knew Takeda wasn't a person who fooled around with no strings attached, rather he prefer connecting with people over a long period of time. Ukai wanted to respect that.

They broke apart and just lay against the wall for a little bit and relaxed.

"Sorry, I really wanted to do that for a long while now." -Ukai

"That's fine. I kinda wanted to as well." -Takeda

Ukai let out a breathy laugh.

"We should get to practice." -Ukai

Takeda hummed and they straightened themselves out before leaving.

Once they got to the gym, Ukai grabbed the door loudly and opened it kind of slowly. Though, once the door was halfway open, he quickened the pace.

Takeda walked in and flicked on the light. 

He flinched when he heard poppers go off. Confetti flying everywhere. He saw a banner saying 'Happy Birthday' and a two-tiered cake. Takeda smiled as his eyes teared up. He was quickly surrounded by his students. Ukai smiled as he watched Takeda get overwhelmed.

"Ok! Let's have the cake!" 

The evening was very lively considering it was Karasuno and it was a party.

Everyone waved enthusiastically, except for Tsukishima, as they left. Ukai walked with Takeda to the parking lot. Ukai kissed Takeda and then headed home.

Takeda blushed as he sat in his car, thanking whatever gods let him have such a wonderful life.


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