The teen breathed in deeply and gently pushed her hand away. "Can I have some alone time please?" She sadly looked at the map.

Eda shrugged and looked at King before leaving the room. King jumped down and followed her as they closed the door.

YN stood next to Luz and put a hand on her shoulder, only for her to swat it away and turn around to hug him tightly. He frowned as he heard her sniffles and softly patted her back. Luz pulled away as she whiped a tear from her eye, while YN looked at her with a soft smile.

"Maybe they were right." She sighed as she leaned against the wall before sliding to the floor.

"I mean... they DID grow up he" He sat down next to Luz and shrugged. "And you know... Maybe it's for the better. Who knows what could've happened if we went on that quest?"

"Wait we?" Luz looked at him with a questioning look.

"Of course. You think I'd let you go alone?" He smiled as he lifted his arm and Luz leaned onto him.

"Thank you" She said as she looked down at the map and saw something written on it. "Huh?"

YN looked at her with a scowl before he noticed the message as well. He tilted his head.

"The path will only appear to the worthy..." Luz read outloud together as YN moved closer to Luz. She gasped and turned to him.

"That's why Eda couldn't see it" She murmured. "But I can.

She looked at her friend with a hopeful smile. He smiled at her with a little doubt in his eyes. Her face fell as she realized something. "But... am I worthy...?"

YN sighed and wrapped his arm around her her shoulder. "Luz..."

Suddenly the window opened and let the wind fly into the room. The map flew out of Luz' grasp and landed next to her books as it flipped over a page of her book to a picture of Azura holding up her staff.

"We'll never know unless we try!" She exclaimed as she stood up and pumped her fist into the air. Yn stood up and crossed his arms before tilting his head as Luz tunred to him. "YN, our first adventure together in this world!...You are still coming with...right?"

YN raised an eybrow and picked up his dagger and went past Luz. She looked after him with a frown and hugged herself before sighing deeply.

"You coming or what?"

Luz turned to YN with a shocked expression to see him sheathing his dagger into a provisional sword sheath.

"I thought you didn't wanna come" She mumbled

"Well, and I said, that won't let you do this alone. You are stuck with me now Lu" He smirked as he put a hand on his hip. Luz beamed as she grabbed his hand and pulle him with her.

He sighed softly. 'I'm way to soft. But this would be a great opportunity to find out what exactly this bracelet and dagger are...'


"Finally. All that mean-spirited laughter made me sleepy" King yawnd as he laid down on the couch and closed his eyes as Eda walked closer to him.

The Dragon Witch (The Owl HouseXMale!Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ