Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Camping

Start from the beginning

"What are you implying?" Hidemi asked.

That's when I noticed Yukari's clothes.

Instead of her usually flashy performance outfit with her cape and shorts, Yukari wore an outfit almost like actually pyjamas, fitted and made with silk as well, shining in the sunset.

"Where the hell did you get that?" I inspected her outfit.

"My dressing room." She summarised. "I had to prepare something to wear before it got locked away. No way I'm gonna sleep in those clothes in these tents! I don't want to stoop to your levels after all."

"So rude..." Yuna sighed. "Wait...Isn't that against the talent ban?"

"Uh, no it's not. I'm not doing anything related to my talent! I'm just wearing this, moron. Geez." she rolled her eyes.

"How did you even know we would be sleeping here?" The lawyer said.

"Common sense, dumbass." Yukari avoided sitting down beside us, choosing to stay standing. "I can't believe my future and talent are supposed to rely on you guys and your dumb decisions." She scoffed. "As if I'm going to allow that."

"Right. Sure. Whatever." I shrugged.

At this point, I've given up on even trying to listen to Yukari. Half of her suggestions just involve the killing game.

She must seriously hate us.

And now she's probably going to sleep in a tent near mine. God knows what she's going to try and do during the night.

"Sorry for being late." I heard a voice say.

Behind Yukari were the guys, Tatsuo leading them after speaking up.

Surprisingly, Satoshi was with them too, although clinging and staying by Kenjiro.

Well, at least he's getting along with the others...I think.

"I can excuse your lateness." Hidemi smiled. "We were just going over sleeping arrangements. Would you guys be comfortable sharing the big tent together? It might be a tight squeeze but I'm sure it won't be too bad."

"We don't have any complaints, so sure." Tatsuo nodded.

"Yeah..." Finn sighed, agreeing with him.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"I...I miss Archie." He cried out loud, nearly shedding tears.

"C-Calm down!" Akihiro exclaimed. "Just take it easy!"

Satoshi seemed unsure and inched his gaze toward Hidemi. "Do...Do I have to share with them?"

"Hm? If you don't want to, that's fine. I'm sure I can find somewhere for you..." Hidemi tried to reimagine her entire idea.

"Are you sure?" Kenjiro whispered into Satoshi's ear, just loud enough for me to barely hear.

"...I-I don't want to make things difficult." He sighed. "I'll try my best, Hidemi."

"Glad to hear it." She smiled.

"I just hope none of you guys snore! A guy like me has to rest well, you know." Akihiro mentioned.

"I doubt that's going to be an issue," Tatsuo replied.

"You never know...I can sleep through literally anything though, so I'm more worried about you guys right now!" He grinned.

"If only I could be so lucky. I wake up so easily..." The motorcyclist exhaled a breath.

"Dude, just listen to my ASMR. Or even my sleep schedule advice. Or even my music!" Akihiro gave random ideas.

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