|47| The confession

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A week later

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A week later

I finally get home after being with Carlos, he looks to be getting stronger but still not out of the woods so I'm constantly going there to do check ups and Mia stays the rest of the time. She is really taking it seriously.

Matteo has been weird, after the breakdown he distanced himself a little and focused on finding whoever is behind this whole thing. I try to be there for him but sometimes I found that letting him be is the best option.

"Matteo? I'm home!" I shout around the house trying to find him.

He made everyone except Miles, Felix and I leave the house. Some men were still in the area for precaution but no one could come inside. His reasoning, that he didn't want any unnecessary distractions.

"Matteo?" I open the door to his office but he isn't there either.

The only part left is the basement and I soon as I step out the door I hear noise coming from the gym. At least he was doing something else than working.

"Hey." I say moving inside slowly.

"You are here, didn't hear you come in." He takes his earbuds out.

"Are you okay?" I ask getting closer and picking up the towel to hand it to him.

"I'm perfect, are you?" He takes the towel and dries himself off.

"I guess." This last few days were like a weird game, I never knew how he will react or what mood he will be in so I had to approach him carefully.

I feel like I am constantly walking on eggshells and it's the worst kind of feeling. But he is hurting so I don't want to make this any harder for him.

"Cool, is he okay?" He walks out of the gym.

"His stats are getting better." I reply following him.

"Okay." He just says and takes a water bottle from the fridge.

"Are you really okay?" I decide to ask.

"Yes, why do you keep asking?" He finally turns to look at me.

"Well you are acting strange." I keep my voice low.

"You told me I had to stop working so much and now that I do something else you say I'm acting strange? Maybe it's you." He shrugs his shoulders and walks out of the kitchen leaving me standing there alone.

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