|10| The past

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"Me estás escuchando!?" Carlos snaps as I massage my temples over and over

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"Me estás escuchando!?" Carlos snaps as I massage my temples over and over. (Are you even listening?)

He has been shouting at me for half an hour now. This situation is stressing him to the point he can't even focus. His face has been in a constant frown for days, lines will start to come through on his forehead if he doesn't take a break.

"Puedes no gritar, me va a explotar la cabeza." I am so close to getting inside the bed and make him leave. (Can you not shout, my head is going to explode)

My attitude is not helping the situation, it only makes him angrier but I can't help it. We are different that way. He has a gift for investigating and taking care of business but the moment something goes sideways his patience runs out and he freaks out. I, on the other hand, stay calm until I figure out how to get the mess under control. Why would I overreact when there's still time left and fixing messes is my specialty?

"Matteo entiendes lo qué esto significa? Si no lo solucionamos estamos bien jodidos." He keeps going. (Matteo do you know what this means? If we don't fix it we are throughly fucked)

Sometimes I wonder how he keeps himself away from alcohol. A good few shots of tequila will help him relax a little. The thing he desperately needs.

"Claro que lo entiendo Carlos pero no sé quieres que haga, me pegaron un tiro te acuerdas? Qué cojones voy a hacer desde aquí?" I elevate my voice starting to get tired of him. (Of course I understand Carlos but I don't know what you want me to do, they shot me remember. What the fuck I'm supposed to do from here?)

"Tenemos que pensar en algo antes de hacer lo que dices." (We have to think about something before acting up on what you said)

"Cuando salga de aquí y pueda hablar con él se me ocurrirá algo." (When I get out of here and talk to him I will come up with something)

"Y si no se te ocurra nada al igual que ahora?" (And if you don't come up with anything like you are doing now?)

"Pues seguiré pensando joder!" (Then I will fucking keep thinking!)

If someone could make me break my usual cold collected self that's my brother. He has the ability to annoy me in just a few words. Probably like every sibling in the universe.

"Encima no solo tenemos que ocuparnos de esta mierda, también de ella." (And we don't have to take care of this only but also of her)

There it goes. All back to her. Took him long enough to bring her up in the conversation.

"Se va en dos días Carlos y creo que le ha quedado claro lo que pasa si habla." (She is leaving in two days Carlos and I think she is pretty clear on what will happen to her if she talks)

"Y si se enteran y van a por ella? Crees que tu querida doctora no hablaría si le ponen un arma en la cabeza? O peor Matteo, sabes que le hacen a mujeres como ella? (And what if they get to her? Do you think your dearest doctor won't talk if they put a gun against her head? Or worst Matteo, do you know what they do to women like her?)

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