|13| The track

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"Keep reading Danielle and see if the good outdoes the bad

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"Keep reading Danielle and see if the good outdoes the bad." I stand up and get out of the room before I do something stupid.

Going upstairs to my bedroom I move towards the window and open it straight away, needing some air. It is a chilly but clear night and the stars are kind of visible even with the light contamination of New York.

Moving away from the window I get some clothes for tomorrow and place them over my chair. Then as I get back to the window I swear I hear her steps getting closer and I stay still carefully removing my shirt.

Her steps stopped a few seconds ago and the door never opened. I find myself fighting the urge to turn around and get to her. My brain knows I shouldn't but my body does nothing more than telling me to move.

Getting a hold of myself I go to close the door and hear her finally reacting. Her bedroom door also closes.

I'm sure she noticed my sudden attitude change but it was necessary if I wanted to stay away. I almost fold twice today and it couldn't happen again. Now I really understand why it was that hard for the man of the book to not let himself fall.

Carlos hasn't come back from wherever he is at and we still have to discuss what we are going to do with our problem. I think about calling him but my voice is probably the last one he wants to hear.

Looking at my desk I see an open bottle of my favourite whiskey and I walk straight to it. Placing my hand over the desk I stare at the thing that will let me get rid of all my thoughts.

Even though everything is telling me I shouldn't a part of me craves it. One glass wouldn't hurt anyone. That's what I tell to my myself as I take a glass and pour a good amount of liquor into it.

Drinking it in one go I poor another and drink it straight away without thinking. I take the bottle and go to drink out of it instead. Thankfully there isn't much left and I just get a few more gulps.

Taking the bottle I throw it into the trash in the bathroom. The alcohol was enough to make my mind go numb just as I wanted.

I get out of my clothes and start the shower to the hottest setting. Getting under the cascading water I place my hands over the tiled wall and stay like that for a good while.

Getting out I don't even bother to dry myself off and throw myself over the bed butt naked.

And then I stare at my ceiling, searching for something in the white that gives me what I need to know but since I obviously get no answers I move to my side just in case I fell asleep and die drowned on my own vomit. Looking up at the sky through the window I try to get some sleep.

I don't remember how long it took but when I open my eyes again it's already daytime. The sun rises over the horizon.

Looking down at myself I remember that I didn't even get dressed yesterday and I'm still naked on the bed.

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