A Dragon is born

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The people called them a miracle. 

The first a girl.

 Beautiful and perfect in every way.

 The second also a girl.

 Beautiful but deformed. 

Their princess would have to be protected. Cared for. But they were wrong Deaneel targaryan was not the weak flower the world thought she would be. She was fierce and her sister Dany's protector. She was the future queens personal body guard that no one expected to be able to strike you down in three seconds flat but she was. Because Neely couldn't be the woman everyone expected her to be. Neely and Dany were going to be a mother of dragons one day and she couldn't be expected to sit on her arse and eat crisps while battles were fought and lost not when her sister would be queen on day. Queens have enemies and deaneel wasn't about to let her sister die at the hands of anyone.

'Two arms are definitely over rated.' Neely said swinging her sword around before decapitating a training dummy. She was a targaryan through and through, a fighter and dangerous to the core. Dany and her brother, Vis were weak but he was to be king of the realms, but neely didn't have to like it. Or accept it. Or fall in line. She would bow before her twin and no one else. 

Dragon Mothers // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now