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L I L O' S P.O.V.

  Nate's voice flooded through the speakers of my car, his voice message advising me to call back soon since he can't reach the phone now. The voices in my head cursed at me for allowing it to get this far, for me to make this, us, even worse.

  I was petty. I was upset, and full with vengeance. But now that I got it, I didn't even want it anymore. I just wanted Nate, and my baby.

  This is the first time I've ever wanted something, so badly, and it felt impossible to have now because I ruined it. I self-sabotaged Nate and I's relationship before it could truly ever begin.

  I wasn't going to deny myself no more, I wasn't going to pretend or play games. I actually want to live and survive now, I have a purpose and a real reason. I wasn't brought into this world just to spite everyone for my existence, no, I was brought here to bring good to the world. To eliminate all the bad and ugly with my evil, and to later on develop the perfect little angel to ever exist.

  Because of Nate, as much as I hate to admit it, I had a real purpose now. And I couldn't do it without him. I've realized that, and I've come to terms with it. But the moment I wanted and needed him most, he was no where to be found.

I circled around the lot of his father's work establishment, not a single cop to be found lingering around and no large silver truck in sight. I drove up to his house, and his truck wasn't there neither. I even took the liberty to drive down back to the school to see if he went back, but to no avail. It was as if he completely disappeared off the face of the Earth and was to never return.

You're definitely alone now, One voice added. He left you for good this time, and it's all your fault. The second, and most obnoxious, chimed in. My palms grew increasingly sweaty as I gripped the steering wheel and tears welled in my eyes as I peered out the window, blinking rapidly to remove them.

  I never cried, I barely cry and I hated it. And I had no clue as to why I was about to right now.  But as soon as I gave up, driving back home in defeat, my tears let go as I recognized the grey truck I grew familiar with over the past few months, parked right in front of my house.

It was like God was angry at the world all of a sudden, the evening sky opening up and the ocean drops down on East Highland. Nate sat on for steps of my porch, an umbrella in hand as he looked down the road. His eyes lit up as I drove into the driveway, meeting me with the umbrella as I parked my car, grabbing my belongings and stepping out.

" I'm sorry." I blurted out as soon as I could, and I actually meant it. " I'm so sorry for what I've done to you. I don't want to fight anymore." I breathed, speaking below a whisper while my tears competed with the flow of the pouring sky.

" Shh. It's okay. I'm sorry too, for everything. This is all my fault, and you're just living in it now." Nate pulled me close to his chest, planting a kiss on my head while rubbing my back soothingly. " Come on, let's go inside."

I nodded, sniffing and wiping my tears, opening my front door and throwing my keys onto the table in the foyer. I took my shoes off, needing to relax my sore, and tired feet from running and fighting. Nate followed after me as I went into my room, closing the door behind us and taking a seat on my bed. He watched as I threw my purse onto my desk. Getting undressed, changing out from the dress I wore and into something more comfortable.

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