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Lilo was in love, but in extreme denial. The only thing that helped solidified her true feelings for Nate was the fact she was carrying their child. She couldn't imagine getting rid of their kid, and she couldn't imagine being without Nate neither. As much as she wish she could deny it, it was true. They were meant for each other, it's like whatever their souls are made out of, so happens to be the most toxic chemicals in the world and they needed to be together to survive, or otherwise mayhem ensues. But what was it about Nate Jacobs that made Lilo fully unfold herself?

Well, for starters, it was nothing but a game when she was with Clarence. A ruse to everyone around her including herself. Everything she ever did in her life was pretend. Even her whole plan to infiltrate Nate's life at first was pretend and just for a thrill, but she let herself lose focus on her objective and her morals, and her mission. Sure, she achieved a few things and managed to hurt Nate a few times in the process, but in return, he did things just to spite and upset her. For example, Cassie.

And Lilo couldn't help herself, she loved the back and forth. She loved the look she'd see in Nate's eyes when she got one over on him. She liked how intriguing he was. He was brooding and mysterious when alone, and a force to be reckoned with as a whole. She loved his mind and how far he's willing to go for his life, reputation and the one's he loves. She loved him because he was another version of her, a dumber one, more filled with lust and desire, but Nate was still half of her nonetheless.

There wasn't no amount of money, time, or even therapist, that could help the two of them. They dodged all the forces that tried to hold them apart, and stood by each other side's no matter what. I kind of grew to, not like, but understand their relationship. They'd burn the whole world down and everyone in it for one another, and not even care to risk burning the partner in the process. That was their weird love language.

L I L O' S P.O.V.

  I took my seat again after joining the crowd as they gave Lexi a round of applause for the first act. The attention landed onto Cassie as the auditorium door slammed shut behind her, a coy smirk on her face as she walked down the aisle, and her head held high as if nothing could stop her. She looked like she was on the verge to start some shit.

  Rue looked in my direction, noticing Cassie in her deranged state and shrieked, turning back in her seat while applauding. All eyes were on Cassie now as she sashayed her way down the aisle and onto the stage. Cassie interrupted the miniature versions of Cassie and Maddy imitating the night they were high as hell at the carnival. She clapped loudly, causing scattered laughter from amongst the audience.

  " Is this apart of the play?" Clarence lowered himself and whispered. I shrugged my shoulders, I honestly had no clue. It would be genius if Lexi managed to add Cassie into the play and break the fourth wall, but then this seemed too good to be true. But yet, it felt very wrong. Cassie clapped slowly, chuckling and looking at the girl who pretended to be her. " Lexi, you really outdid yourself." Cassie trailed off, laughing as she held her sides.

" I mean, where did she find these knock-offs?" Cassie asked, turning towards the crowd and earning a few ooh's from the audience. " I had no idea that my sister had this in her. Good job, right? Isn't she brave? She's up here, unpacking all of her trauma. I had no idea how hard your life was, Lexi." Cassie went on, furthering embarrassing herself and her sister on stage. " Can we give a round of applause for how hard Lexi's life is?"

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