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  Lilo Lyon was my cousin, born on a early Sunday, September morning, being the sole surviving child of the vanishing twin syndrome, and raised in a single parent household. As a child growing up, she already felt damned by the rulers above, or who ever the fuck was making the rules in this fucked up system. Especially when she witnessed her father being murdered in the middle of the street, right before her eyes at the age of 7. She grew up in New York City while her mother was a nurse, saving everything she possibly could to move her daughter somewhere safer. It only took her about 10 years to do so. As a product of her environment, Lilo was numb, to mostly, well, everything.

  Lilo was different from most girls I knew, I could tell once I saw her trailing around Fezco's store like a lost puppy. I almost didn't recognize her, I haven't seen her since my father's funeral. But, I was way too sober to even give a shit. I only found this out later, but Lilo wasn't the typical tall, pretty girl you tried to make friends with in school, the difference with her is she'll completely fucking ignore you. When we were kids, she barely paid any attention to me, unless she had to during family gatherings. But that didn't mean she hated my presence though, she actually thought I was tolerable. It wasn't like she was trying to be rude, or anything, she genuinely just didn't know how to interact with other kids her age, plus she had no reason to. She had her reasons though, kids our age are fucking scary.

When she was in New York, she attended a charter school and was constantly bullied by her peers for having a big forehead, for being skinny, and being tall, and whatever else kids made fun of at the time. They'd make fun of her, and how ugly her skin tone was, how untamed her hair was, and her ugly Mary Janes. Even if they weren't her friends, it was still pretty annoying to hear people talk shit about you right in front of your face. So, she did something about it. As a result, Lilo permed her hair, and even tried to bleach her skin with Clorox. Thankfully, her mother caught her and slapped that shit right out her hand. That didn't satisfy her though, nothing did.

  So, when everyone in her class had their eyes trained on the Finding Nemo movie in front of them, she thought of slitting their throats, or stabbing their eyes out with scissors. Which would be too messy, and of course, a lot of fucking trouble. Instead, Lilo grabbed a pair of scissors and snipped each and everyone of her bullies hair, not even caring how fucked up or uneven she made it look, because she really wanted to do worse.

  Then after middle school, Lilo kept to herself and never dared to make one friend, scared they'd turn on her or treat her like shit just like everyone else, so she braced the fact she just wasn't meant to be around people.

  But Lilo hit puberty, and her boobs perked up, her skin glowed radiantly, her hair got longer and thicker, and her ass got fatter, Lilo couldn't help but feel herself. She felt like she was hot shit, which is granted, because she is. Her thoughts and opinions on kids our age still remained the same though, even after her major glow up.

  Lilo remembered every insult and every critique she got, and when people tried to be her friend, those insults played over and over again in her head while she remained silent, yet confident but still numb to it all. Lilo had no intentions of making friends, until she became reacquainted with me. I introduced her to all my friends, and by the time she started school, she was the talk of town. It was the end of summer, the week before school started. I had no intentions on staying clean, and Jules and Lilo just moved to town.

                    L I L O' S P.O.V.

  I stuffed my hands into the pocket of my sweatshirt, contemplating on what I was about to do. I just got here about a week ago, and there's no way I was going to be able to last a day without having my own budman. After living in New York almost all my life, weed was a part of me. I would say I'm addicted, but I wasn't too sure if you can be addicted to a fucking plant. But, I needed it. If I didn't have a blunt by the end of the night, I wasn't sure of what I'd do.

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