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  Nate Jacobs was in love. He didn't know how it happened, he didn't know why it happened. But he could just feel it, and it felt so fucking good. But it was complicated . . What was it about Cassie Howard that made Nate fully surrender himself?

  With Maddy, it was always a game. Lilo too, he didn't know what his chances were. Cassie was the opposite. He knew he wasn't perfect, that he had some issues. But, maybe the reason he has those issues is because Maddy brought out the worst in him. And maybe, if he met Cassie when he was a sophomore, instead of Maddy, or Lilo later on, she would've brought out the best in him. How could he have ever overlooked her, underestimated her? She was everything you could've asked for in a woman. Nate began to wonder if he had brain damage, how would he know?

But then, while laying in that hospital bed and getting stitches sown into his eyebrow, he couldn't stop thinking about Lilo. There was a part of him that would always belong to her, and he feared that. He didn't know why Lilo was able to control him the way she does, but he loves it. And it felt so fucking good. Because she showed she cared, in the most fucked up ways possible, just like he does.

He knew he could do a better job than his dad, he wouldn't fuck his kid up the way his dad fucked him up. And the way his granddad fucked his dad up. Except his dad was such a fucking idiot, he couldn't even control himself and he had jeopardized everything their family had worked for. Sometimes, he'd just wish his dad would drop dead of a heart attack and be free of him. But there's no point of fantasizing about a life with Lilo, or even Cassie, when he knew that Maddy had that disk.

What if he could go back to the beginning? What would he wish? Where would things go? What would he be?

It was the first day of school after the New Year. And I finally had everything I'd ever wish for. A thriving relationship with my cousin, and Jules. Plus, drugs.

L I L O' S P.O.V.

I got out the shower, tended to my skin and hygiene before getting dressed. I wasn't really in that much of a mood to dress nicely today, I could honestly give two shits how I look right now. But the obsessive part of me knew I could never walk out the house looking a mess, the voices would tease me all day, and I don't have time for that shit right now.

After putting my underwear on, I went through my closet and searched for a pair of jeans. The first one I saw, I grabbed and put on. I put on a white crop top and added a leather brown belt to accessorize my bootleg jeans. A knock echoed in my room, then shortly after my mother entered.

" Gooood morning!" I groaned and turned around to face her. My mother wore a pink nurse uniform and white crocs, yielding two cups of ice coffee in her hands. " Mom, why are you so cheery this early in the morning?"

" Well, because, it's another day and we're alive, that's one. And two, after my shift, I have date." My mother smirked while handing me an iced coffee. I took a sip, looking her up and down. I couldn't be mad, my mother has been single since I was 7, damn near ten years without the attention of another human being besides her child. I was jealous though, I didn't want our time to be shared with an unknown stranger. " Congrats," I said half-heartedly.

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