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                    L I L O' S P.O.V.

After I gave a fake ass apology to Cal, Nate and I have been sitting here, watching as other people had the times of their lives. I nearly fell asleep on Nate's shoulder since his father decided to go on a rant about how amazing his chili is, the reason why he was as successful as he is  and the how he raised the strongest, young males in this town. His wife seemed so used to this speech at this point, she toned him out and began to make a fresh pot of chili. Meanwhile, their eldest son gave not one shit, drinking a beer and even handing one to Nate, only for Cal to turn him down.

" No, tonight is about success, and power as a family, none of us can afford to be seen intoxicated." Cal said as he grabbed the beer can and threw it in the trash behind him. Aaron sucked his teeth and stood up, excusing himself from the stand. Just as I was about to nearly die out of boredom, my phone between to vibrate menacingly in my hand. It was Rue, who was texting and calling my phone repeatedly in the past two minutes. This made my stomach drop, and my head skip a beat. The first thought that came to mind was negative, it always was, and made me eager to hop up and answer the phone, distancing myself away from the booth. " Hey, what's wrong?"

  " It's Gia, Mom is, like, blowing up my phone right now because apparently, Gia's phone keeps going to voicemail. Have you seen her?" Well, while I was at the booth with Nate, I did see Gia walk past it with that same brunette girl I wanted to smack the shit out of the other day. That was about a hour ago, but she disappeared into the thick crowd so I couldn't even tell where she was going. " Yeah, I saw her but that was like a hour ago."

  " Shit, I really need your help. It's gonna be 10 soon, and my Mom is doing too much right now. Please, Lilo? Can you meet me by the Gravitron?" My cousin's pleading voice on the other line was enough to make me walk away from the Jacobs booth, not even giving a fuck to tell Nate where I was going. I could fucking care less right now about my distraction, my family needed me. " Yeah, I'm on my way right now."

  I stood on the phone with Rue as she panicked on the other line. I looked at the rides around me, but almost everyone one of them looked exactly alike, just a different color. I eventually found the Gravitron and began to speed walk towards it and telling Rue to wave her hands so I could see her. It felt like the drugs began to hit me even more now that my mind was soaring with negativity. I felt like I was about to crash, and explode at any given moment.

I turned around quickly, hearing a bunch of cheering and clapping coming from the direction I just came from. Shit. I feel so fucking anxious right now. I need to brace myself. You're perfectly fine, I said to myself. I turn back around, remembering what I was doing. I finally saw Rue's waving hands, making me rush towards her while hanging up my phone. " Shit, she's not answering." She said as soon as I approached her, Jules lingering close by her side.

" It'd be faster if we split up," Jules suggested. I nodded, " Yeah. Thanks, just text me."'I walked closely by Rue's side as she went the opposite direction of Jules, yelling Gia's name out but to no avail, the sounds of people yelling from excitement, or fear, and fireworks silenced her cries. " I think we should check around that ferris wheel," I pointed at the nearest ferris wheel, seeing there was a gate and remote area near by it. " Gosh, this place is so fucking huge. Who knows where she could be!" Rue huffed, pulling my hand into hers while she used her free hand to call Gia. " It's fine, Rue, she can't be too far."

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