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L I L O' S P.O.V.

The past few days have been, how can I put this . . . weird. Nate hasn't spoken to me ever since the night I left his house, which was almost a week ago. He hadn't called or facetimed me, no surprise pop up visits at my house at midnight. No flowers left at my front door in return, or an apology text for being so distant. And Nate never leaves me on read, but he did today.

So, I said fuck him. It was Friday, and I wasn't about to waste my time calling Nate when I knew he was most likely with Maddy. But there's also a few other reasons as to why this week was so off. Starting off on Tuesday, I walked past Cassie and Maddy in the hall. I originally was going to walk past them, put Cassie called my name, and complimented the color change of my hair. Which made Maddy look me up and down, then she proceeded to tell me she liked my shoes and continued her conversation with her friend.

Weird, right? I don't know if Nate was putting a battery in her back, motivating her to be cordial with me. But I didn't mind it, it was apart of the plan anyways. I don't need her fucking up Nate's life, I'd rather do that. I figured, eventually they'll go through their phase of breaking up, since they always do, but I made sure to tell Nate not to do anything. And this time, make it all Maddy's fault, so when she hooks up with someone else, she's the bad guy this time and not Nate. After that, she should leave him alone. Right?

My mom snapped her acrylic nails in my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. I took one spoonful of cereal and was mid-chew as the voices in my head begun to speak, and now my cereal was soggy. " Girl, are you okay? You've been blanking out on me a lot lately." My mom said, I nodded and swallowed the cinnamon toast crunch.

My mom grabbed the bowl from me, as if reading my mind, and dumping it away. My mom doesn't know about the voices, but she does know I overthink things. That's all she knows, so in moments when I doze off, she just thinks I'm in the middle of a long ass daydream. " Yeah, I'm just thinking about finals, college, stuff like that," I said, lying. I rose from my seat and grabbed my phone off the kitchen island, seeing Rue texted me a bunch of times. She said she was walking towards my house now, I sent her a thumbs up emoji and shoved my phone in my back pocket.

" Yeah . . right. So, did you come up with something, while thinking?" I shrugged my shoulders, not really having much to say. I don't really think about college, I just know I want my grades to be well enough that I can peruse that in the future, if I want. But for now, I want to reck the world.

" Nah, not really. I just know I wanna be around you, I wanna make money and not spend. So, school can wait. I've been a slave to the Man for over ten years, I deserve a break." I joked, walking past my Mom as she grabbed her jacket off the coat rack. She glared at me for a moment, looking me up and down before nodding briefly. " Alright, that doesn't sound too bad. As long as you have a plan, I'm right on board with you."

My mother slide her feet in her white crocs and walked towards my side, giving me a tight hug, squeezing the soul out of me while planting a kiss on my cheek. I giggled, squirming out of her grip and pulling myself free. " Okay, I love you. Be safe and have a good day at work. You hard work has been noticed, and you've been rewarded. I did some over time, saved up and got you a car." My eyes shot open and my jaw dropped, literally. That's the most money my mother has ever spent on me, well besides raising me my whole life. But I mean, like, all at once. It felt surreal.

" Oh my gosh, are you serious?" I squealed, trying to imagine the car she got me. " Yeah, I'm serious. I hid it in the garage for weeks now, thankfully you don't go in there for shit," she joked and pinched my cheeks before walking into the living room and grabbing her purse. " I was trying to figure out a good time to give it to you, I damn near forgot. But hearing you just now reminded me, I felt so proud so, here you go. You be safe out there," She said while approaching me with a set of keys.

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