Illya (Fate Kaleid)

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🎀 Anime/Game: Fate Kaleid liner Prisma Illya, Fate/Grand Order
🎀 FateKaleid!Illya and M!HighSchoolStudent!Y/n: "Heartwarming Reunion"
⚠️ Warning:  No, enjoy!

Y/n and Illya knew each other as he is best of friends with her brother, Shirou.
Because Y/n and Shirou have been friends since their first year in middle school, he has known Illya since she was a small child.
Y/n would always hang out with her family, which they always welcome him with open arms.

What about Y/n's parents?
Wouldn't they worry that he's gone majority of the time?
Well, his parents didn't really mind where he went anymore.
At that point of time, he was already responsible enough to live in his own apartment and be responsible for himself.
So basically, Y/n was free to do whatever he wanted.
Although Shirou was a bit envious that Y/n was living by himself, especially when they're both in middle school.
But he did promise Shirou that if he wants to have a roommate, he can live with him when the time comes.

Shirou, Sella, Liz, Irisviel, and Illyasviel...
They all know he's just way too kind for their liking.
Y/n have and always have treated them with the utmost respect ever since meeting them.
That's what got his full trust from Sella.
What also brought Sella trust him even more is when he would watch over and let Illya hang around him almost majority of the time when he comes over.

He would do whatever Illya wanted to do.
Like go shopping with her, or help her with her homework, or let her use his lap to let her nap whenever she got tired, he would also cook a snack for her in case she wanted something small to eat.
That's why when Sella goes out to go shopping, Sella knows and trusts Y/n fully well to watch her mistress while she's gone.
Now that he's in high school, he really didn't have that much time like he used to anymore.
Y/n would try to go every now and then to at least visit the Einzbern family.
Unfortunately, he couldn't due to tons of busy circumstances being in the way.
Luckily today, high school was dismissed early.
And guess where he was going.

Yep, to Shirou's house.

Since his parents got him a small SUV for his birthday, and he just recently got his drivers license, Y/n would normally take Shirou and Illya with him to school and back.
Sometimes he would get stopped by Rin and Luvia sometimes, but he always never let them get the better of him.
But this time unfortunately, Shirou was taken away by the two before Y/n could go with him to drop by at his house.
Y/n could hear his terrifying scream from all the way down the hall, but he just turned around with a concerned frown and left Shirou to suffer.
He just wanted to see his other group of family once more.

Y/n opened the passenger side door and put his belongings in the passenger seat.
As he proceed to close the door and go to the drivers side, a small girl's voice called out to him.
Knowing whose voice it belonged to, he looked to see she was a few feet away from him, standing with her friend, and was happily waving at you.
She took the chance to run into his arms, giving Y/n the most tugging hug he'd ever received from her.
Luckily Y/n's arms were out to cuddle her right back.

Y/n:  Oh my goodness, Illya, long time no see, love! You grew so much the last time I saw you~!

Illya blushes with embarrassment.
Illya:  Hehe, it's been very long, Y/n-onii-san!

Y/n:  Oh goodness, she used to be a very small muffin... Look at her now, all grown up... She's gotten real cute now.

Illya:  Oh. My. God. It's Y/n! It's Y/n! He has grown real handsome the last time I saw him... WAY more handsome than I expected... WAIT. Why am I talking about Y/n like this?!

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