Dimitri (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

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Dimitri and Reader:  "C Support Conversation"
Game:  "Fire Emblem; Three Houses"
Warning:  [Yes/No]


Y/n: "Dimitri!"
Dimitri; "Oh? Greetings, (Y/n), long time no see."
Y/n: "How have you been this evening?"
Dimitri: "Pretty well, thank you. How about yourself?"
Y/n: "Pretty good."
Dimitri: "Well that's good. You called, haven't you? What did you need me for?"
Y/n: "Um, can we go somewhere more private for just two people? This might be a personal issue that I want to speak to you about only. Although there's nothing wrong between us, believe me when I say so."
Dimitri: "I see... I know of a place we can talk just the two."
Y/n: "That's splendid, I really want to talk to you about this in private."

A couple of minutes pass as they make it to the private area.
The beach.

Y/n: "Yes, this is a good spot."
You take off your shoes and socks and drenched your feet into the warm cooling blue waters.
Y/n: "Dimitri, you want to join on cooling your feet with me?"

Dimitri: "I'm good, thank you."
Y/n: "Oh, come on! It's actually very refreshing, you'll like it!"
Dimitri: "Um, then I guess I'll give it a try."

He takes off his boots and rolls his pants sleeves to above water level.
Since the level you are standing at is just around your ankles, Dimitri stood next to you with a smile on his face, as if he was enjoying himself.
Dimitri: "Wow, it really is nice..."
Y/n: "See?"

As the warm breeze blew nicely, the distance between them was a comfortable silence.
It was so comforting that (Y/n) almost forgot why they were here in the first place.
Y/n: "Oh! Anyways about my issue..."
Dimitri: "I forgot the reason why we came here was solely because you wanted to talk."
Y/n: "Same, couldn't agree more."

They both share a chuckle.

Dimitri: "So, tell me... what's on your mind?"
Y/n: "Well..."
You take a step forward toward.

Y/n: "Hey Dimitri, were you ever told why I was moved from the Blue Lions to the Black Eagles?"
Dimitri: "No, what made you enroll alongside the Black Eagles?"
Y/n: "Well, it wasn't my desicion... It was my parents verdict that led to this state. My parents are closely bonded with Edelgard's. Because of their close bondage with one another, I was to move classes from then."
Dimitri: "Did you like it?"
Y/n: "To be honest, I miss being with you and everyone in the Blue Lions. Every since I transferred to another house, I felt like I was getting bored everyday with everyone there, except the professor there. Not even to mention, I have this great feeling that I don't trust Edelgard one bit, let alone Hubert."
Dimitri: "I will let you know that you are always welcome in the Blue Lions at anytime, even if you are in another house."
Y/n: "Thank you, Dimitri.
Dimitri: "You're welcome. No matter where you go, I still consider you as my greatest friend in arms."

Y/n smiles, as if a heavy weight has been lifted from her shoulders.
Y/n: It's just that whenever I think of you all, I can't help but to feel anxious... I always wonder how everyone feels now that I'm not one of their classmate anymore... I always wondered if I were to be treated like an outcast. I was scared, that I would lose all of my friendships in the Blue Lions over something trivial."

You step out of the waters to let your feet area dry.
Dimitri soon followed.

Dimitri: "Ingrid still talks about you greatly till this day, Mercedes always worries that you'll not be fine with the change and would wonder if you miss her snacks, Annette misses your head pats, Sylvain would complain why you should be well deserved in the Blue Lions, Felix normally doesn't compliment others much but I overheard him say, "I really miss talking to Y/n, she was someone I could always talk to for agreements." Even Dedue, my loyal classmate and friend even misses you. Also Professor Manuela, she felt like she lost the most intelligent, and stunning student in her class till this day."

Y/n: "Oh wow, I have never have thought that they would miss me this much..."
Dimitri: "I personally miss you also. I tried to talk to you for the past few days, but you looked very angry at the time so I decided not to bother."
Y/n: "Yes, I'm sorry if I offended you in any way, but you were right about me being very mad when I read the contents from a letter sent from my parents."
Dimitri: "Oh it's okay, at least you are now able to talk to me about it."
Y/n: "Yep, am I glad to talk to you even though its been a while since we weren't able to."

Dimitri: "Then, how about this? Try spending some time in our class for one lecture. I'll try to convince Professor Manuela if she approves of this."
Y/n: "With everything that I've put you all through, why not? I'll ask my professor to see if it's possible to skip his lecture to be with yours this once. I'm pretty sure he won't mind, I'm literally passing his class with flying colors."
After the water dried, you both put on your boots and started walking back towards to the academy.

Dimitri: "As expected of Y/n, the number one student in the monastery."
Y/n: "Don't exaggerate. Besides that, I hope I get to see everyone again!"
Dimitri: "Yes, I hope this works out well."

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