Magma Breather

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"Great. Looks like I'm headed to sector 2, after all." Olivia tells her sons, looking at them.

*Sometime later*

Everyone was at the Dragon's Lair now as Ryu & Tom explained the situation

"Your mom is going to sector 2. That's the entrance to the Hidden World!" D'Angelo yells out in distress.

"I felt like something was off during my morning meditation." Jun reveals. "This is bad." she states.

"No. Running out of cinnamon toast is bad." Alex tells her. "This is a stage 5 disaster!" she yells out. "If she learns the secret of dragons, everyone will find out, and Feathers will end up in a zoo, but no one will come see her, not even cute little kids, 'cause they won't be able to see her 'cause she'll be invisible in her own cage!" she explains quickly, walking back & forth, getting more stressed out by the second.

Feathers grunts and growls softly at her rider, confused by what she is doing. Alex, seeing her dragon, hugs Feathers close

"And Plowhorn's been through enough already." D'Angelo adds. "Right, girl?" he asks his dragon.

Instead of getting an agreeing growl, they all see Plowhorn playing with Wu & Wei as they make 2 ice rings, and it falls on the big horn of Plowhorn like a game of Ring Toss

"Oh, great. They're already learning circus tricks." he deadpans. "Knock it off, you three!" he tells them disappointingly. "Who taught you that anyway?" he asks them, confused.

They go over and stand behind Jun as she nervously laughs

"What if we needed to run away and join a creepy, haunted circus?" she asks the group rhetorically.

"No one's running off with the circus. My brother and I got a plan." Ryu tells the group.

"This cave is where our mom's headed." Tom explains, pointing to a spot on the map.

"So, all you guys gotta do is collapse the mouth of the cave here, where it enters the dragon world. Make it a dead end." Ryu explains further, pointing to another spot on the map. "Then, our mom and us will have to turn back. Easy." he states simply.

"Wait, you're going with her?" Jun asks the Kullersen brothers, but mostly Ryu.

"Well, she doesn't know it yet, but, uh, you know, someone's gotta slow her down and buy you guys some time." Ryu explains to her.

"Divide and conquer. Hm... My favorite battle strategy!" D'Angelo yells out. "What a perfect opportunity to showcase my leadership skills." he adds as he runs and climbs onto his dragon. "Mount up, dragon riders! And fall in behind the Plow-train! Choo-choo!" he announces, thinking he's the leader.

"Whoa, wait. Why are you the leader of this mission?" Jun asks him, confused.

"We should just work as a team." Alex adds.

"Of course we should." D'Angelo agrees with them. "Team D'Angelo!" he yells out. "My dad's been preparing me for this my whole life." he explains to them. "Let's ride!" he finishes as he flies off.

"This is why I work alone." Alex tells Jun.

"Alright, get going. We have to hurry. Mom's chopper leaves soon." Tom tells them.

Oh, and Jun. I know it's difficult but try not to get D'Angelo killed." Ryu says to her jestingly.

"I'll do my best, but no promises." she counters while chuckling as she walks off.

Ryu & Tom begin to walk outta the Dragon's Lair when they hear sad growls

They turn around and see their dragons

Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun Wong x male reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin