"That's good, I thought it was something more serious," Melinda said.

"So did I," I said, "but I'm glad that it wasn't." I watched the kids play, mostly Charlotte stuck with Carley leaving the other four kids to play by themselves.

"Okay it's time for some hotdogs, burgers and fries" Melinda called out, all the kids ran to the table and grabbed a plate of food and put on it what they wanted. Charlotte sat next to Carley, and Carley placed Chucky next to her, the other kids sat opposite of them.

"If it's okay with you and Charlotte I think we should get together more often," I said to Melinda as we watched the kids interact.

"Yeah I think that would be nice," Melinda said.

"I actually live a few houses up, we just moved there recently," I said, "so if you ever want for them to play here's my number, I wouldn't mind watching her if you want she seems like an absolute sweetheart," I said and wrote my number on a plate.

"Which house?" Melinda asked.

"220, it was Michelle Cross's house," I said.

"Is it only two of you living there?" Melinda asked.

"No there's three of us, me, Carley, and Glenda," I said.

"Who's Glenda?" Jeff asked.

"She's my wife," I said.

"Isn't it confusing for Carley?" Selena asked.

"No it's no different than having a father, she just happens to have two mothers who love her very much," I said, getting slightly angry. I felt a tap from Chucky warning me to calm down.

"I think it's sweet that you are with someone you love, and raising a child to be accepting of other types of relationships," Melinda said.

"Sabrina, it's time to go," Jeff called out.

"But Daddy we haven't had cake or watched Charlotte open her presents," Sabrina said looking over at us.

"I don't care I don't want their thoughts of what is acceptable corrupting you," Jeff said, Sabrina stood up and they left.

"You too Sebatiean," Selena said.

"Same with you Mindy," Jackie said.

"And you too Freddy," Jared said.

They all left and I felt angry that they were like that, I wanted to kill them but with the deal, I made with Chucky I can't. "I am so sorry about that. I didn't mean to make them leave" I said to Melinda.

"Hey it's okay Charlotte wasn't even hanging out with them anyways, and I don't think I want to be friends with people who look down on other people's relationships just because they married someone of the same sex," Melinda said.

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

"Charlotte, would you like to have the cupcakes now?" Melinda asked.

"Yes, mommy," Charlotte said, so Melinda headed inside and came back out with a tray of cupcakes. She placed them on the table and sat down where the other kids were sitting, I also sat down and placed Chucky next to me. Melinda and I grabbed a plate of food and started eating while the kids ate their cupcakes.

"Charlotte, what's your doll's name?" Carley asked.

"His name's Chucky," Charlotte said.

"Mine too," Carley said.

"What about yours?" Charlotte asked me.

"Hi, I like to be hugged," Chucky said. I picked him up and gave him a hug, "you should probably go with Terry as only 2% had Chucky, it'll be weird if three good guys had the same name" Chucky whispered.

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