"I expect some things from you by the time I get home," he began explaining while going through his wardrobe.

"Let me know what you want for your meals today, I'll have a driver deliver it. I expect you to have eaten all three by the time I'm home. I'll be back no later than 8," he then turned around with two ties dangling from his finger tips.

A red one with golden triangular patterns raised in his right, and a royal blue tie with silver and purple linings from his left.

He raised a brow, and I raised a finger.

"I was hoping you would pick this one.." he smirked while eyeing the red tie.

After Dácio picked out his clothes for the day, I noticed him digging through the drawers he sat aside just for me. I hadn't been in them myself yet because I only had one article of clothing to worry about right now, and those were my gowns still in the box on top of his dresser.

Dácio though, seemed to have plenty of tricks up his sleeve.

"I want you in this same bed when I return home, and in this," he removed a bundle of balled up lace from the drawer, with some noticeably fluffy feathers attached to it.

He didn't unravel it to reveal the skimpy fabric. He just sat it down, and headed for the bathroom.

"Do you understand?" He stopped before walking in.

"Yes master," I looked to him with soft, puffy eyes.

Dácio closed the door behind him once in the bathroom. I definitely couldn't go back to sleep after he picked at my curiosity, so hastily, I crawled out of bed and to the dresser to observe the slutty slip.

It was like my other house slips- expect far more naughty. The entire dress was a sheer red mesh, like the shade of his tie, and the only thing it covered were my nipples with two little red hearts on the breast area.

I smiled faintly as I held the piece up in awe to the window. This would not only drive him crazy but also flatter my frame. His taste was impeccable.

I couldn't pull myself out of my trance of excitement as I played with the soft feathers that lined the bottom of the slip. I just stood there anxiously wondering what he would do to me in a gown like this.

"Do you like it?" His husky voice startled me out of my daze.

I dropped the lingerie like it was fire on my finger tips, and it messily sprawled out on the floor behind me.

"I-I love it," I nervously smiled while spinning around, hoping my body would hide the fact that it laid on the floor.

I could feel my cheeks burning and hands clamming up again as he took his time walking over to me. I anticipated a kiss despite my morning breath, but met with disappointed as he walked past me and to my lingerie on the ground.

I watched Dácio out of my peripheral as he kneeled down to scoop it up. His body wasn't far from mine, in fact, close enough to reach out and touch, and he did that on purpose.

On his way back up with my gift, I felt him teasingly brush the mesh up against my legs. I shivered as he glided it past my calf's, to my knees, then the inner of my thighs that made my insides turn to mush.

I mentally scowled at myself for whimpering as he dragged it over my warm cünt. I gave in and bit my lip while tilting my head back, landing in his chest where he used his free hand to grasp my throat.

"If you love it then why is it on the ground, Jade?" His deep voice asked in my ear, using his grip to pull me even deeper into him.

If it weren't for my own wild beating heart I'd feel his, that's how close we stood. He was teasingly brushing over my sensitive vulva, giving my ear lobe delicate kisses here and there.

"You startled me.. I-I'm sorry, sir," I apologized, not meaning to show disrespect.

"Do I scare you, Jade?" He stopped brushing over my p*ssy which made answering a little more easy.

As least I thought it would.

He moved in the blink of an eye, and replaced his hand with the slutty slip I was ready to associate with death.

He wrung it around my neck before yanking my head back and grabbing my chin firmly. I fought any type of straining moan, wanting to show him I could already handle the sick games he liked to play in the bedroom.

Dácio resembled a wet dream with how undeniably sexy he always looked, but he had issues, and I didn't need him to say that out loud for me to know it either.

"N-no, sir," I lied.

"Hm... that's a shame to hear as your dominant," he breathily chuckled, and I watched him sinisterly smile to himself before he finally let me go.

My head spun slightly as I snapped back into reality.

I wasn't exactly scared of Dácio, but more so his expectations. If anything, I felt more nervous for myself because I knew I'd have to bring out another side of me in order to endure him.

"Get your rest, eat your meals. I know there's not much for you to do around here, but I promise we will go out soon to get you some fresh air, yeah?" He offered, a hand on my hip caressing the area gently.

"I'd like that, sir," I gave a lopsided smile in a trance.

The grogginess from waking up had passed but our morning still felt like a dream.

The kiss on my lips reminded me that my reality was more real than I thought.

Just a few pecks satisfied Dácio's plump lips as he gripped my ass before finally scooping up his suit jacket and heading for the bedroom door.

"I'll see you later Jade, behave," he gave a warning look.

"Yes master," I obeyed.

He dug through his pockets in search of something. In seconds, he retrieved his wallet and easily pulled out one of his many cards.

"For you," he set his money on the dresser before finally leaving me to breathe.


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