Chapter 1 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument

Start from the beginning

Shunsuke: Me? The killer?

Kokoro: It's impossible!

Shunsuke: Of course it! But if I were to kill...

Shunsuke: Then why would I kill that idiot?

Shunsuke: And...How would I have fought him?

Shunsuke: Or hide the gloves?

Shunsuke: I would have prevented blood from getting into the kitchen...

Shunsuke: But not on myself! But here I am, clean. So I can't be some killer-

"No, that's wrong!"

"Hm? Did I say something wrong?" He titled his head.

"Yeah, you did. You claim the killer couldn't have stopped the blood from getting on themselves and their clothes." I began. "But you, especially you, could have."

"Do enlighten me. How exactly could I have stopped the force of blood? It's not like I cleaned it off with the water out of commission."

"Then what about your apron?" I smirked once I saw his calm attitude falter for a split second.


"Chiyo's right. You briefly talked about it with her during the investigation. And I don't remember seeing it in the kitchen..." Hidemi added.

"So it's safe to assume Shunsuke wore it to protect himself from blood, and then hid or got rid of it somehow," Tatsuo concluded.

"That makes a whole lot of sense..." Finn nodded.

"You must have avoided the fountain since the bloody cloth was already there and you knew we'd identify it as yours." I continued, watching Shunsuke's face.

But then suddenly, he laughed.

"Fuahaha! A piece of fabric like that is your deciding proof. Foolish...Foolish I tell you!"

"Huh? What's foolish about it?" Kairi asked.

"Shun is so right! It is foolish!" Kokoro cried. "Just because it was his poor apron doesn't mean he's the one who used it!"

Kokoro...She must really believe in Shunsuke.

She is not going to like this, I can tell that already.

"That's a good point. Anyone could've used and gotten rid of his apron." Yuna reiterated.

"If that's the only smudge of evidence against me, then I shall revel in your embarrassment." He said.

"Well, it's a good thing it's not then." I crossed my arms. "I mean, there's a witness."

"A...witness?" He repeated, seemingly stopping in his tracks.

"W-Who...Who saw?" Shouko wondered.

"I know exactly who...

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> - Ryoko's Account <

"Ryoko can testify." I nodded over to her.

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