"Can I... take a seat?", the hazel eyed woman in this long black dress asks firmly, while putting her hand on the chair back, ready to take her seat.

"Of course", Erin smiles a little shy, offering the seat to her right with a friendly hand gesture.

"So, you're the new one?", the captain asks with a small voice, locking her beautiful eyes with Erin's.

"I'm Erin, Austins sister. Im a physiotherapist and I will join the club for the upcoming season", Erin says proudly while the other woman nods happily.

"That's awesome. I am Alexia. Alexia Putellas", the Spanish smiles taking the other woman's hand in her own, shaking it when she feels her palms getting a little sweaty.

"I know who you are", Erin chuckles and Alexia's cheeks turn red.

"Everybody seems to. That is not always good, you know", the Spanish shrugs her shoulders, trying to not look that sad when she stares back at her hands resting folded on the table.

Without overthinking Erin puts her hand firmly on the other woman's fists, trying to give her a little comfort.

"Do you feel pushed?", Erin wonders, already seeming to know the answer.

"No one has ever asked me that", Alexia answers with a small voice, her eyes bubbling up a little.

"Well, I guess I just crossed this line", Erin chuckles, making the soccer player smile widely while meeting her hazel eyes.

"I do feel stressed. There's a lot of pressure resting on my shoulders. Everyone thinks I can just shrug it off but after yesterday... I think I can't do that. I somehow feel responsible for the loss", Alexia explains while a tears drops down on her cheek, slowly making its way down the woman's face.

Erin tightens the grip on the captains hands, when she looks over to all the other teammates having the time of their lives on the dance floor.

"You know, it's never about a single person. It's always about the team. And this over there is your team waiting for you to dance with them and have a good night", Erin tries to cheer the sad woman up as Alexia turns to awkwardly as she looks towards the others.

"Well, this may be a bad idea, since I don't know you at all. But... may I ask for this dance?", the physiotherapist just goes for it and smiles while slowly standing up from her seat, extending her hand down side up towards the beautiful, sad looking woman, who was seeming to be more than confused.

Alexia looks towards her cheering teammates on the dance floor and then to the head coaches sister who was offering a hand, asking for her to have that dance, when she feels her cheeks turning dark red again.

Alexia was shy.

She always had been when it came to talking outside the field. On the pitch she was that badass leader but in private, she was more vulnerable. Alexia was introvert. A shy person that was often to herself.

She wasn't very proud of that.

"Okay", Alexia answers shyly. taking the blondes hand as she now got led firmly to the dance floor.

She knew she was crossing her own boundaries which made her stressed inside even more, but on the other hand she somehow felt connected to that stranger.

She felt comfortable.

Alexia holds onto the blondes hand nervously as they got to the side of the dance floor. The teammates cheer at the sudden attendance of their captain who has been sitting sad all by herself in the corner of the club all night.

Taking her shit together Alexia starts swaying her hips with the chilling sounds of the music while Erin was doing the same.

"Happy to see you on the dance floor, capitán", Jenni cheers while throwing her arm around her friend Maria. The two of them seemed to be very close.

La Reina - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now