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Four months

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Four months.

Four months and everything was seemingly perfect.

Anthony had served four months out of the fifteen-year sentence he received.

Nathaniel had served three months in Poloskan Warrior training before he decided to run away.

Now, he was serving the first month of his imprisonment and would remain there for eleven months.

Joan served two weeks as the handmaid of Count Wallace and Countess Lilac, before she as well, tried running away.

Now, she was demoted to tending to the Poloskan livestock. Shoveling manure and such.

Little Margaret had taken expeditiously to her new life in Poloska under the teaching of Queen Adelia, whom she adored.

She now lived in the Palace under the watchful eye of Queen Mother Catherine and Countess Lilac. Keeping them on their toes with her wits.

She was growing to be a delight just like her sister.

Prince Alexander would soon be Duke Alexander, for he had found the love of his life, Beatrice, a maid from Aedishire, kind and beautiful, approved by the family.

A woman opposing his behavior, but finding delight it in at once. Opposites indeed attract.

They were set to be wed by the end of the month.

It was splendid news for King Father Matthias, both of his distinct sons had found blessed young women to wed.

They were the pride of his life.

King Nicholas and Queen Adelia ruled Poloska with wisdom and love.

Their love had no end and lacked nothing within their hearts.

Only, as things were seemingly perfect, something would change that.


Adelia gathered a bundle of wildflowers and awaited the ribbon, which Nicholas held, to tie them together.

She looked up expectantly but found his adoring gaze piercing her heart.

Flutters filled her stomach as they always did.

"You watch me often, Nicholas, yet seem to forget I have need of the ribbon you demanded to hold," She told him pointedly but wore a dashing smile.

Nicholas watched her for a moment more. He took in all the beauty she held.

It was impossible to look away from his lovely wife.

"It is with purpose, my love. If I have what you desire, you are sure to come to me. Lest you always come to me, for you desire me more than a silly ribbon," Nicholas said dauntingly and chuckled at her flustered state.

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