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"How pleasant they were," Lilac murmured to Adelia as she towel-dried her hair

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"How pleasant they were," Lilac murmured to Adelia as she towel-dried her hair.

Adelia hummed and tilted her head to the side to drain the remaining water from her left ear.

"Yes, ma'am, they were."

She was just baptized, as per the protocol of all who serve in Poloska.

It was her choice, she had read verses about baptism in the Bible, but never thought she needed to do so.

She assumed it was a suggestion. And if it was or wasn't, she chose to follow in the steps of her Savior.

"Nanny, have you been baptized?" She asked in curiosity.

Lilac nodded. "Yes, my dear." She chippered joyfully. It was a beautiful memory. "Wallace and I were only married, this was but seven years before we came to work for the Duke and Duchess, seven years before you were born," She said lovingly and pinched Adelia's cheek.

Adelia leaned into her Nanny's embrace and listened attentively. She held Nanny's stories dear to her.

"I was twenty-three, Wallace was twenty-eight, and we took a walk in a meadow with our Bibles for studying. He helped me onto a tree branch, we were quite the adventurous pair," Lilac mused at the memory. "And from there, as we read the pages flipped by the wind, Matthew 28:16-20 came to our sight," She would never forget that day.

"Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." She quoted the verse, with Adelia murmuring it lowly.

"Wallace and I were astounded. Those words were truth in that moment. We pledged our lives unto the Lord, and boldly we jumped from the tree into the lake," She laughed softly. "We prayed unto the Lord, thanking Him for great Mercy. We beseeched Him for forgiveness, for our ignorance, and we were baptized before our eyes and the Lord's. We were new,"

She combed Adelia's locks with a far gaze. "I recall the tears that overflowed from mine and Wallace's eyes. We needed that baptism, the forgiveness of the Lord, to be new creatures and ready for His use. And now, twenty-eight years later, we still turn to tears remembering that blessed day." She dabbed her eyes and hummed. "You may not have known how beautiful the choice you made is, yet, I pray and know Adonai will reveal it to you. Baptism is our step to reconciliation, to reconciling to the original state of Man unto God. Repenting, turning away, and receiving the gift of forgiveness and newness through Christ, through the Holy Spirit, through the Lord."

Adelia only nodded.

For she was in great awe of her Nanny's account.

"And may you understand further, the obedience of our Christ. His baptism is the Holiest of Holies. For He needed not the forgiveness, repentance, to be made new, lest, He longed to please His Father. And in doing so, He made Himself further, the sole example. He-my dear Glory, our Jesus Christ was, is, and is to come. Psalm 119:160, Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. In short, my child, as He is Truth, Righteousness, He chose to do unto the Lord as if He were but a mere man. Which is why we praise Him more,"

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