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note; if you don't know the meaning of a word used in the chapter, highlight it and if you have an iPhone there is an option to look up the meaning. I will have the meanings at the end also.

 I will have the meanings at the end also

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"Nicholas, my son,"

The voice of his mother entered his office making King Nicholas look away from his work.

"Mother," He murmured giving her a glance.

Catherine walked near his desk and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Nicholas, I seem to recall the words of a handsome young King, a week or two ago, words to welcome the Princess of Aedishire," She trailed off as she spoke and turned his chair so that he faced her.

Nicholas only nodded passively.

His mind was on training the young men of Aedishire. They were coming along, after the wild act of Oliver, the men turned away from their disdain for him and his training.

But still, there was much to alter with the men. Yet, he knew it would be finished by the end of their two months with him.

They only needed to get into the habit of living for something more than themself.

"Can't you welcome the Princess better, Nicholas? Your father, Alexander, and I have all agreed to make her feel at home. Her nanny, Lilac, has told me during our tea time that Adelia is only a shy young woman. She needs to feel welcomed and seen, and do you not think if you showed her kindness, she would know the true heart of Poloska? If it came straight from the leader, the King," Catherine said pointedly and squeezed his shoulder.

"She is only ignorant of our heart, Nicholas. I know you've been against showing yourself as benevolent to prove yourself, but maybe you could try. Know that I only say this as a loving mother who only desires for all people to know you as you are. I know the kindness of your heart, I know why you have turned this Kingdom into a Kingdom of selfless acts of protection." With those words, she pressed a kiss on her oldest son's cheek and took his hand.

King Nicholas held his mother's hand with care.

"If you believe it will help the young Princess teach our youth better, I will." He told her firmly and glanced at his work.

It needed to be done.

Catherine smiled with gladness. "Such a good King, my son." She said proudly. "I have another request,"


Adelia looked around the greenhouse in awe.

No longer was it desolate and tarnished.

It was now decorated, clean, and fit for a Princess to be before the Lord.

But also for outdoor lessons with her students.

"Thank you, Queen Mother Catherine," Adelia said sincerely and hugged the woman.

"It is simply lovely, Catherine. What a surprise," Lilac commented as she walked around the greenhouse. "My Glory, I know the children will love coming in and learning here,"

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