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King Nicholas swiped his eyes roughly to rid himself of tears and pushed the door open and rushed to her side

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King Nicholas swiped his eyes roughly to rid himself of tears and pushed the door open and rushed to her side.

She was the calm his heart needed.

He held her precious hand and kissed it twenty times with gratitude to the Lord.

Adelia's chest rose and fell, signifying that she was resting.

Not tearing his eyes away from his wife, Nicholas grumbled, trying not to lose his temper. "You said she was awake."

Lilac hummed. "She is, King Nicholas. But still, her heart is weak, she must heal with time." It gladdened her heart to see Adelia's eyes open and hear her softly call for Nicholas.

Nicholas closed his eyes and kissed her hand again. "Lea-I mean, I would like to be alone with her. Please, leave." He liked Lilac, he liked her for her genuine kindness and for being a mother to his love for her entire life.

Lilac stood and left the room without another word.

Nicholas closed the door and walked beside the bed. He took her hand and rested his head on the bed.

"I need you to be well, my love." He murmured. "I was seconds from strangling your father," He chuckled with gladness. "I love you, Adelia. The Lord is clearly holding my mind to keep me sane. I want to kill your father, make him suffer for what he's done,"

Nicholas cleared his throat and yawned.

He'd been awake for almost twenty-four hours and he was to remain awake until Adelia woke up.


The irritating flutters filled his body at the gentle call of his love.

Slowly, he lifted his head and found the loveliest eyes gazing at him.

He held her hand once more and kissed it. "Oh, my love. Lovely,"

Adelia's eyes filled with tears at his languished tone.

He was seemingly devastated, yet hopeful and glad.

Never again did she want to put him through this. "I'm sorry," She said shakily and ran her fingers through his hair to soothe him.

The sight of her Nicholas, a man austere and focused, strict and straight, now miserable, yet justly angered.

And tender.

It sent pleasant tremors to her heart.

He loved her, as he made clear, promised, and exemplified.

Nicholas stared at his gentle bride annoyed at her apology. "Do not ever apologize for the act of a jackal." He told her and kissed her briefly.

When she was fully well, he would kiss her as he so strongly desired.

Even in her frazzled state, his words caused her to blush.

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