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With a mission of success on his mind, Prince Alexander stalked the halls of the Palace with great alacrity

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With a mission of success on his mind, Prince Alexander stalked the halls of the Palace with great alacrity.

He hoped to find the Princess to begin the beguiling, as he called it to himself.

Yet, it could be found as deception. But, it was not the intentions of his heart, nor his Mother and Father's.

"How might I proceed, Lord?" He asked quietly to the Lord.

He didn't want to bamboozle the Princess with information about their hearts and such as a Kingdom, but he also didn't want to start dropping hints.

Again, he was looking to persuade her.


His hasty pace halted at his brother's call.

"Yes, Nicholas?" He turned around and found his brother watching with an unamused stare.

His usual.

King Nicholas was one step ahead of his young brother.

He could sense the mischief in his stride. This was common for Alexander.

Yet, he found no inkling of why the mischief was present.

"Why are you in a hurry?" King Nicholas asked. "If you have found trouble to meddle in, I tell you now, don't." He warned his brother.

He was still young at heart, though, in truth, Alexander was thirty. The common age for such a Prince to be married to a bride, or his purpose.

Nicholas found no fault in his brother's enjoyment, only if it were troublesome.

Prince Alexander's face fell for a second at the finding out of his attentive brother.

It was the reason he was King, and because he was the oldest, but also for his great eye. He was a blessed King and Man of Valor.

This is why Prince Alexander had to be honest. For his actions were only to keep his brother's reputation and the late Prince Adam Alexander's life honorable.

Though only one careless act would not tarnish King Nicholas's reputation as a good King, Alexander wanted no blemish.

"You have found me," Prince Alexander admitted and lowered his head. "I tell you, Nicholas, this is not one of my common acts of mischief, but one to fix what has been broken by my hands,"

King Nicholas sighed, considering the genuine heart of his brother.

He raised his finger strongly, a common motion of a King to one he has taken mercy on.

A sign to say, wait.

"Lift your head, Alexander. And speak to me, truthful and I will listen."

His words alone, the tone as well of mercy, gave Alexander the drive he needed to prove to Princess Adelia the heart of his King.

He was no tyrant.

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