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Hello, my lovely readers!

I bet you didn't think I'd be back so soon, well, I am, but not fully.

I wanted to give you all something to look forward to, and here it is!



Glory tells the story of one woman, Princess Adelia Kingsburg of Aedishire, and one man, King Nicholas Greggor of Poloska.

Their story is one of devotion, trust in truth, and hearts and minds in submission to God.

King Nicholas was brought up in the faith, reverently, and he carried it with him through life.

His view of God is that of a Righteous King, the Sovereign King who one shall never question, as His Word states His Kingship as unblemished, and He is Lord of All, Lord of Hosts.

And as King of Poloska, Nicholas serves as such, confiding in the Sovereign King for all Kingly duties. But alas, not for duties of the heart. Or so it seems.

Princess Adelia was saved by Jehovah Rapha on such a night of terror. Onward, from the young age of six, Princess Adelia was sanctified for the use of God. As Hannah did with Samuel, so did Duke and Lady Kingsburg with Adelia.

Taken with it, Princess Adelia made her faith her own. Learning and gleaning directly at the Word of El Shaddai to sharpen her knowledge and renew the state of her heart, for as His Word states, "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:16 KJV

However, Princess Adelia views those who aren't harmless as doves to be as people with hearts hardened before the Lord. Those who crave a swordfight in need for repentance and such sanctification.

This is more than a story of two very different people falling in love.


It's a testament to the pursuit of God leading to life and life more abundantly.

For both have such a stance of God, one as Sovereign and Mighty in Valor, Lord, the other as a Gentleman and Wiser than all, King, of the Highest Honor.

How could two distinct in their understanding of God and in age find a common ground?


"Do not you know, dear child?"

Adelia whipped her head sharply and shook it. "I admit, tis beyond my understanding. Please, leave me not in the dark." She insisted to her nanny with grace.

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