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"Jehovah Mekkadishkem, I bow my head before You

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"Jehovah Mekkadishkem, I bow my head before You. I am but a servant for my Lord, You have chosen me to do a mighty work. A work of the highest honor, oh Lord, to teach the youth, the young in the way of Your Word. Let not my indignant thoughts keep me from doing for the youth. For Your Word says that we shall not keep children from Your Kingdom, I will not stand in the way. I am Yours to use as You will."

Adelia spoke humbly to the Lord as she kneeled in an abandoned greenhouse on Palace grounds.

She found it as she walked the grounds early in the morning to be before the Lord. It was a lowly place, ridden with bugs and dirt, yet she found great joy before her Lord in all places.

Nanny was informed, but unbeknownst to Adelia, Prince Alexander knew as well.

He was keeping watch for the Princess. His plan would commence in time.

"My Lord, position my ways as You will. Teach me how to teach with no prejudice. The young know only what they have been shown, the vicious ways, the carelessness, yet, even now, I ask that You rid my eyes of the judgment of the Poloskans. They shall know better if they are shown better. Open the eyes of my heart,"

"I know that You will keep me in Your Peace. I repent before You, Lord, for I have not known Your Word. I thank You for baptism and making me new before You. As You have made me new, use me. I ask, I beg, O Lord," She turned her eyes upward and lifted her hands in prayer.

She only desired to please the Lord.


After praying for an hour more and reading the Word of the Lord, Adelia made it back inside the Palace.

She wanted to go unnoticed, as she was in a hurry to prepare lessons for the children.

Though she had yet to meet them, she was eager to do the work of the Lord.

'Psalm 119 shall be the foundation of their lessons, ah, how pleasant they shall be once they understand God's Word, the power of His word,'

She hummed merrily.

It was nice to have joyous thoughts even in the Land of V-

"Oh, Princess Adelia! Have you wandered the grounds alone, dear?" Queen Mother Catherine asked knowing the answer, but only curious about why the young Princess would do such a thing.

Adelia bowed her head in respect. "Yes, ma'am. Please excuse me for such things, but I had to be before the Lord. I found the abandoned greenhouse,"

"The greenhouse?" Catherine pondered. 'It is the definitive reality of abandonment.'

She waved her hand passively. "It is all right, Princess. Our grounds are the safest, I only wish I could have sent someone to watch you," She tsked as a wonderful idea ran through her mind.

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