Who's room am I in?

How did I get here?

And why is the door locked?

Aren't doors supposed to open from the inside?

Questions flooded her mind as panic exploded inside her head.

I need to find a way out.

Desperately, she started searching for another way to get out of that unknown place. A floor-to-ceiling glass door of the closet caught her attention. Running inside the closet, she started searching again but saw nothing she expected.

Inside the closet, there were shelves and cupboards and an ottoman in the middle. She searched the room but found it filled with men's formal clothing. She was about to give up when she saw two narrow dark corridors inside the closet, on each side of the glass door. 

She ran through the corridor on her right and landed on another part of the closet filled with more clothes and accessories. Finding nothing in there as well, she ran for the other corridor now. There were so many clothes that even the corridors had shelves filled with them.

Why would anyone need this big closet?

She ended up standing in a bathroom as soon as she ran across the corridor. The interior was a bit different than the other parts there, a bit less dark even though the lights were dimmed. The white floor was so dry and smooth that she was afraid she'd slip and fall. The bathroom was divided into sections and she peeked into every one of them, hoping to find a door.

 The bathroom was divided into sections and she peeked into every one of them, hoping to find a door

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Her hope drained each time she went inside a section but found no escape. She was at the end of the long walkway when she took a turn to the left. Her breath hitched in her throat, and the familiar feeling of terror returned, what she felt inside the barn.

He was there, head leaned backward, eyes closed, dipped inside the tub while his arms rested on the tub's sides. She took a couple of steps back out of panic but soon regretted it. Her back collided with an ottoman that was placed near the wall, making a noise. His head snapped in her direction, making her stand still for a second under his scrutinizing gaze.

Alexander's effort to calm himself became futile seeing her standing there. Now that she was awake, the demon inside him rose again.   

Soon, Suhana's survival instinct kicked in as her legs picked up the pace and she started running towards the corridor. To her dismay, running also became difficult on that polished floor but she didn't stop.   

Mr.McAvoy! It's his room!

He bought me here!

Why didn't he kill me when he had the chance?

Was it him who removed my veil and opened my hair!?

Tears started to pool in her eyes realizing how vulnerable she was while unconscious. All the possibilities of what might have happened, the thought of being in a helpless state in front of a non-mahram ran through her mind, making her blood run cold.

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