Mad Doctor's Murderer - Mischief 10

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Chen Keqing and two other female companions went to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination. There was no sign of poisoning, but it might be difficult to eat or something in the short term.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang were waiting at the police station. Luo Tian and the others brought the three girls to the police station to inquire about the situation.

Logically speaking, having experienced this kind of thing, these girls should be very scared. They hope the police can quickly find the murderer who scare them.

But Chen Keqing and the others don't seem to be.

Especially Chen Keqing, who seemed very impatient, said she wanted to go home to sleep.

The other two girls seemed to listen to her very much. Whatever Chen Keqing said, they should be with them.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang are naturally not easy to deceive. Originally, the two suspected Chen Keqing. Seeing this situation, they guessed that she must be hiding something.

"Have you encountered this kind of prank before?" Zhan Zhao asked Chen Keqing.

Chen Keqing shook her head, "No."

"Then why don't you seem surprised at all?" Bai Yutang asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid?" Chen Keqing smiled, "Officer Bai, the three of us are all studying medicine. Yes! It was a bit disgusting at first, but in fact, there is no difference in the composition of human flesh and pork, we can eat it as soon as we eat it, we as doctor has a strong nerves."

Zhan Zhao raised his eyebrows slightly, and winked at Bai Yutang—Did you hear that, cleanliness and so on are floating clouds!

Bai Yutang was speechless, and then asked, "Did you offend anyone? Although human flesh and pork have the same ingredients, there is still a difference between a dead person and a dead pig."

Chen Keqing looked at the two people beside her, rolled her eyes and raised her eyebrows, "Okay! I have a suspect, Ma Xin, the forensic doctor of your police station!"

Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao were stunned for a while, then looked at each other, puzzled, "Ma Xin?"

"Yes! First, she is a forensic doctor and has access to stumps. Second, she has a holiday with us." Chen Keqing replied, "So should the police officer arrest her immediately and come back for questioning?"

Bai Yutang frowned, but she was playing tricks, while Zhan Zhao smiled next to her, "What kind of motive it is?"

Chen Keqing shrugged, "It's just that they don't like each other. Frictions sometimes happen during festivals. You know she's very courageous!"

"I heard that you used to have a common teacher named Hao, who died in a plane crash." Zhan Zhao changed his words.

Chen Keqing frowned slightly, and the two girls beside her glanced at each other, looking at her nervously.

How shrewd Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao were, they could tell at a glance that the three girls were very concerned about Teacher Hao's plane crash.

"Should we call Ma Xin?" Zhan Zhao took out the phone.

"Oh, forget it." Chen Keqing stopped her. "What I just said was angry word. I haven't seen each other for so many years, so it can't be hers."

"Do you mean false accusations?" Bai Yutang didn't let this go. "It is a very serious crime to give false testimony."

"I'm drinking too much and talking nonsense, okay?" Chen Keqing's arrogant temperament came up, and she quibble, "I was just stimulated, can't you be a little sympathetic?!"

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