Ghost Murderer - Blackout 08

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Firefighters and an ambulance rushed to the scene as quickly as possible. Several firefighters took pliers and cut open the deformed car door, and treated the driver inside.

This driver looks a little weird and yells madly.

"Captain, he seems to have a mental problem." A firefighter said to a baby-faced man who was squatting and looking at the angle of the car. "You have to find a way to subdue him."

"Hmm..." The captain of the fire brigade touched his chin and said, "Why are there so many mental illnesses these days."

As he said, he asked the doctor beside him, "Is there an anesthesia gun? Give him a shot."

The emergency doctor gave him a blank look, "You treat me as a veterinarian? There are anesthesia guns used to deal with you."

The two seemed to know each other. After a few words, the doctor tried to persuade the crazy driver, but it didn't work.

"Can anyone knock him out?" The doctor asked Bai Yutang and waited, "His rib was crushed, and if he struggles again, he will hurt his internal organs!"

Bai Yutang looked at Zhan Zhao.

Zhan Zhao shrugged, walked over, and signaled to the doctor that he had a way.

The crazy driver was still yelling, Zhan Zhao asked the others to step back a certain distance, squat down, and stared at him for a while, not knowing what he was talking about.

The doctor looked at him curiously.

A few firefighters were also waiting at the back. They don't know what Zhan Zhao was doing, but since he was a policeman, it probably made sense, and the man was so crazy that he couldn't be saved.

After a while, that is, less than a minute, they saw Zhan Zhao standing up, turning around and coming back, and the driver was stupidly there as if he had been tapped on the acupuncture point, and stopped moving.

The captain of the fire brigade and the doctor looked at each other, and the doctor asked Zhan Zhao, "Really fainted?"

Zhan Zhao smiled and said to him, "He shed a lot of blood."

"He can't die." The doctor took a few first-aid personnel and cooperated with the fire brigade to rescue people.

The driver stopped resisting, and the rescue became very convenient. Everyone got him out and put him on a stretcher.

"Are you sure he can't die?" Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang asked.

"It's okay." The doctor nodded, and Ma Han and Zhao Hu followed into the ambulance.

Before closing the door, Zhan Zhao stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in the driver's ear. The driver woke up as if he had been relieved, and immediately began to scream and struggle again. However, his hands and feet had been tied up in advance, and Ma Han and Zhao Pu pressed his arms, the doctor grew up looking at Zhan Zhao, Bai Yutang closed the door for them, and the ambulance drove away.

"It's really awesome." The fire brigade captain looked at Zhan Zhao with admiration, and said to himself, "Can you go out for another work? Then when we encounter neurosis and set fire again, please go there too, it will be no trouble."

"Neuropathy set on fire?" Zhan Zhao was a little curious, and asked, "You just said that there are a lot of neuroses recently?"

"Not really." The fire brigade captain nodded, "They have set fire on home several times this month., ome homes have wives and children."

"Burn their own home?" Bai Yutang was also a little puzzled, "Are they all neurotic?"

"Who are they doing this if they are not crazy?" The chief of the fire brigade said, and walked back with a few members, muttering, "They also said that they saw ghosts and set them on fire."

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