Ch. 53 - He saved her

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Number three laughs. Yashiro shrieked as they both held onto each other. "That girl just turned into a monster!!Σ(°ロ°)" Mitsuba yelled. he then got behind Yashiro. She wondered what he was doing as he scooted her up a little. "HERE!{"HUH?!"}FEELING HUNGRY? EAT THIS! FRESH DAIKON LEGS!" "Seriously?!" 

"Tempting. Our goal is to exchange places with the living, not consume them" he started. One of his manikins were hanging out of the mirrors waiting for their command. He then pointed his finger at Yashiro and Mitsuba. "So we can skip over the pretty boy. He's a feeble spirit and not worth replacing. Defective goods if you will.

[Defective Goods] [Shock]"HUH?! Um, surely you're not talking about someone as adorable as me. You got some nerve! It's your eyes that are defective, mirror freak!" 

"Speaking of eyes, perhaps you should examine yours when you get a chance. You call this tired mess of pink adorable? You might be a seven at best" [STRUCK in the heart by those words] Mitsuba was struck by those last words, he fell to his knees. "Hey! Dont listen to him Mitsuba! Maybe we can find another way to the stairs!" 

"And your daikon friend in the drab dress? I give that one a four" Three stated, causing Yashiro to gasp. "But enough about me. We've got work to do" he said before snapping his fingers. Manikins came from the mirrors and the ones above. "Listen up, dear minions. Whichever one of you can successfully steal that daikon girl's soul, will earn the right to take her place. Now. Let the hunt begin!" he briefly stated before they soon started trying to get her. The two ran.  

"This inst good! We need to get out of here!" she said. She then looked back and gasped as a giant silverfish blue hand got closer before grabbing her. "LET ME GO! PUT ME DOWN!"

Mitsubawas still running but looked back at her "NO! Master Daikon!"

"Put me down right now! You're not hot enough to be this close to me! I have standards ya know?" she exclaimed as some began climbing up the giant hand's arm to get her. She then was pulling the first two fingers apart(which should be the thumb & index finger). "JESTLEE ME GO!(>' C '<;)" "Looks like I've won the honor of taking your PLACE!" the manikin said hovering over her. The manikin grew a mouth inside of a mouth about to eat her. Her pupils dilated. 

But nothing happened because Mitsuba threw a mirror at it, knocking it down. "Hey! Over here, you bestard! Idiots! Here! Look!" he told them, trying to catch their attention. Tears in the corner of both of their eyes. Yashiro smiled relievingly. "Thanks, Mitsuba!" His plan soon worked. All the manikins look at him at the same time. He shrieked "Look here he said" "I, uh... Never mind[tuns off]FORGET IT! There's nothing here to look aaat!" "You are such a traitor!" 

One jump sat on him. He kept tapping out. "Okay!I take it back! Im sorry! I love hunting Daikons! Its the best![it lifts its fists]I cant wait to eat them!"he exclaimed before it punch him in the face. Yashiro reached out to him. "DON'T! He's my friend!"

"Its so annoying when they struggle like this" Three stated annoyed. Then the hands around Yashiro squeezed more. "ARGgGg!"yashiro let out a grunt, then a whimper before passing out. "There, much better" he said. Mitsuba's eyes widened, tears filling his eyes as he saw her face. So lifeless.  "Please. She's my friend. Help"he then began crying out loud. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HERRRrrr!" 

"Okay, fine. I guess" the person said before wooshing past everything to the mirror as they broke. She saw a glimpse of the person. "Hanako..." the person began to attack Number Three. 'Wait, no...thats not him!' she thought as he broke the mirror. Number Three grunted. "Hey. Stop" Tsukasa's eyes had no light in them..maybe this is his yandere mode when he's mad. He had his fist balled as he held a chunk of his chest skin feathers(?) in his hand "What do you think your doing? Picking on weaklings?"

[Number Three - The Hell of Mirrors]

"You're the one who's bardging into boundaries that don't belong to you! And yet its my fault? Why don't you tell me what you think you're doing here?!" "(౦ c ౦)Huh?"Tsu said before slamming the birds head into the glass. His eyes were black. 

His Kokujoudai  was spread around so it was really dark around the mirror

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His Kokujoudai  was spread around so it was really dark around the mirror. So Yashiro and Mitsuba couldn't see what was happening..but they could hear it. Tsukasa kept slamming his head over and over. His eyes were back to normal. Blood soon spattered. Then it splattered onto his face. Yashiro was shocked and scared. He kept smiling the birds head. Mitsuba just covered his head. He finally stopped and looked up at the mirror. "Oh no. Looks like I broke the mirror[looks their way]Huh?" he said with barley any emotion behind his voice, before he began walking toward Yashiro. She gasped. She covered her face as he got close to it, examining her with a hmm

"Your alive?" he asked slightly tilting his head

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"Your alive?" he asked slightly tilting his head. 

She looked up at him. "Um...[nods]" "[smiles]Well thats good. Way to not die" Mitsuba still had tears in his eyes. They were wide. "Mitsuba, come one. Get up" he told him as he walked over. He smeared the blood on his cheek. "You really are hopeless. [Mitsu wimpers]Cant do anything on your own, can you?[chuckles]Boy, If M/n were here he would yell at me.. [rubs his head]There there you'll be alright" Mitsuba wiped away his tears, crying, but he couldnt stop it.  

'He's crying. Did Tsukasa say something mean to him? Hanako... M/n.. Where are you guys?'

I hope you enjoyed! BYE MINI dumplings!! MAKE SURE TO VOTE ON THE BAD GUYS of what GENDER you want to be!!! 2 votes for Male so far. MALE or FEMAL!! VOTE NOW!!!

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