Ch. 03 - Meeting you again (pt. 2)

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Apparition 2: Yousei-san

First Pov

[hanakos white and red hakujoudai is floating beside Yashiro.]

'What do I get myself into? I don't want to clean toilets today. Did he send an orb to spy on me? It's fine. I know this is all my fault for knocking on his stupid stall. I agreed to pay a price. . . .but I don't wanna do it anymore.'・(╥﹏╥|||)・ Yashiro said. But little did she know something was watching her from under a student's chair behind her.

'Oh, that's right. I forgot to tell Hanako about that boy I summoned yesterday.' (Nah I forgot)

[Male teacher]: ¨Miss Yashiro. Hi, welcome back. Will you please read from page 37?¨

¨You got it sir!¨ (・o・) She says as she stands up. But as she looks down to read her notebook..'Where'd my books go? They were just here. EHh?! Wheres my broach? Did it fall?'[mTeacher:¨anyday noww.¨] 'What is happening?'

¨I heard all about it yesterday.¨ a random girl said talking to her friend.

¨It doesn't make sense. Where could they have gone?¨ Yashiiro said with her arms and head laying on the desk. (yk wut I'm talking about)

¨Still missing? I might know where they are. You ever heard of Yousei? ¨ A girl with purple hair said after watering her plants, smiling at Yashiro with yellow flowers around her.

¨whos that? What's that even mean Aoi?¨ (. ❛ - ❛.)

¨Seriously? Seems like that's all anyone talks about lately.¨

Have you ever lost something important even though you were obsessively careful with it? Has something you rarely handle suddenly disappeared from its place at the exact time you go to use it? If so, you've probably had a visit from yousei. It's important that you remember to never look directly at it. Because in the instant that you do, [tsukasa's black hakujoudai vanishes]}

¨It will take your life without you ever even noticing.¨ Aoi says as she makes wiggly fingers. . . ¨So they say. Usually, id blow it off as a rumor.¨ She said smiling. ¨y-yeah I would too.¨ Yashiro said nervously smiling back.

¨wha-?¨ random boy in their class said digging through his bag.

¨But the thing is-¨ Aoi said while nene and her both turned to look at the situation.

¨Hey, has anyone seen my lunch?¨ same random boy said.

¨what?(he chuckles) who misplaces their lunch?¨ One of the other boy classmates said.

¨seems like everyone's losing important stuff lately.¨ Aoi finished while both of them still looking at their classmates.

¨Oh no, the stuff (whatever name she said) let me borrow is missing...¨ A girl with dark purple grayish hair said looking in her bag.

¨Which one of you jerks stole my figurine I need it for class¨(|||益)

A boy classmate with orangish hair and glasses said frustratedly.

¨What kind of class are you taking?¨ A boy with yellow hair said.

¨Noneya¨ the orange-haired boy responded back to him.

¨Did you hear what those guys said? I'm pretty sure Youseis' legit.¨ Aoi said.

¨Sounds freaky to me.¨ Yashiro responded back.

¨Seriously! What the crap?!¨ A student outside the classroom said.






Sorry, it was getting too long (TヘT)..

And remember I won't be updating this story until Monday. Because I don't have my phone to do it on the weekend. And I'm not on the computer on the weekends. So I try to get as many parts on the story on school days as I can.

♡♡ But I hope you enjoyed! Bye, my mini dumplings! ♡♡

♥ Tbhk x M! Reader ♥♡ Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun ♡Where stories live. Discover now