Ch. 28 - They're Perfect!

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"It's so confusing..I don't know what to do"Yashiro says sniffling crying.

"I'm with you there"Kou said. Yashiro stopped crying and said huh. He walked closer to her as she turned around and smiled at her getting closer to her face. "That struggle is way too real. I was contently questioning whether or not I should exercise them. And based on what, what's the right thing to do? So I decided that instead of looking for what is right, ill make up my mind about what it is I want[puts his hands up]Seems like it's hard for you too.[chuckles] Which means neither one of us has the right answer. So let's figure it out together" Yashiro was about to cry again hearing Kou say that and making her feel like she's not in this alone. They both high-fived with both hands. Yashiro smiled. "Kay ^◡^" Kou giggled. 

Yashiro was putting mini temperature thermometers, sticking them in the donuts to see if they were done. And wouldn't you know it...

"OH YEAH, they're finally done!" Kou cheered smiling.

Yashiro made anime(ofc it's anime)food hungry noises

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Yashiro made anime(ofc it's anime)food hungry noises..yk when the anime character loves the food so much and it looks good. "aaAaAaaAAA..[Kou:"✧ヮ✧;)"](✧'△'✧)This may be the most beautiful batch of donuts I've ever made"

They both grab a donut. "Alright, moment of truth you think you can handle it?(・ヮ・)(>ヮ<)[puts donut to his mouth]Alright, get inside mee-"Kou was cut off by something making him in the head. "GAH..Hey, what the heck"Kou said holding his head as he was about to look back. Something was..growling?(Like bakugou when he's mad.

"H-hi Minamoto" Yashiro said. Teru was looking at his younger brother holding his clipboard and then wrapped his arm around Kou pulling him towards him in a chokehold. Kou was tapping out but Teru wasn't letting go. [chuckles]"I know you didn't forget who bought those ingredients for you right? You wouldn't dream of eating those without your older brother would you?"

 [chuckles]"I know you didn't forget who bought those ingredients for you right? You wouldn't dream of eating those without your older brother would you?"

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He then keeps his eyes closed turning towards Yashiro. "Hey there Yashiro. Are you making donuts too?^^"


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