Chapter 29~ Dates and little girls

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Buffy's P.O.V.***

I walked into the livingroom to find it empty of people. Frowning, I made my way into the kitchen. No one was in there either. 'Hmmm. Strange.' I thought. I went to turn around and I ran into a chest. I started to fall, and right before my butt hit the ground, two hands grabbed my waist and pulled me back up. I looked up and saw no other than Niall. He eyed me up and down, and said,"You look stunning babe. Absolutely gorgeous. C'mon! I'm taking you somewhere!" I chuckled and nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside, where I saw a mini limousine. I gasped. "Niall! Is this for us?" he chuckled and said,"Yes Buffy. Oh and the driver is Paul, so don't worry, we'll be safe." I giggled and nodded. 'Maybe Paul will help me if Niall tries anything. I'm still uncomfortable without Sam. Our plan will go into set soon.' I thought.

°•°•Flashback In the hospital°•°•°•°•°

When the boys were going out to get blood before the procedure, Sam and I sat alone in her hospital room. "Okay, so we will get their trust. Then we will run away. If something happens to one of us, the other had to promise to go get help." Sam said. I nodded in agreement and said,"I hope no one gets hurt, and we make it out together. If not, I promise to keep sting until you get back. I refuse to let you get kidnapped again. Especially this time without me. No." she shook her head. "No Buff, I will stay here. You can go find us help. You're so ignorant to the fact that I would kill someone to protect you, after all. You are like my sister." I smiled and said,"Whatever you say Sam. But I will be the one who stays if anyone has to. Now get some rest. Tom is coming soon." She nodded, smiled, and drifted off to sleep. About 10 min later, I did the same.

°•°•°•°•°•°End of Flashback°•°•°•°•°•°

Niall climbed in and I did the same. I slid in beside him and he started asking me questions. "So Buffy, what's your favorite band?" I rolled my eyes. "You guys of course. I don't know about how sure I am about that any more though." his smile faded some and he nodded his head. He kept asking me questions until we pulled up outside a field. Niall got out and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him. He led me over to a gazebo with a table underneath it. Looking closer, I noticed there was a gable with a red table cloth and a flower on top of it, and two chairs. I smiled and said,"Niall! Its beautiful!" he chuckled and said,"Thank you. This isn't even the best part. I GOT NANDOS!!!!" He yelled the last part excitedly. I giggled and he pulled my chair out. I sat down on it, and he pushed me to the table. I thanked him, and he went to the other side and sat down. A man came out from behind a tree in a tux and walked over to us. He was carrying a bag of Nandos and two drinks. I smiled like a crazy woman and Niall said,"I hope you don't mind if this is our food. I just really like Nandos." I giggled and shook my head. "I don't mind at all."

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