Chapter 5~Mailbox thief

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Chapter 3

Sams P.O.V.***

I looked at Buffy, about to talk, when she shushed me. Just then the door flung open, and I saw Liam and Niall standing there. I started crawling towards the back of the closet until my back hit the wall. Buffy did the same, and I said," Leave us alone! Please! We promise we wont tell anyone! Just please! Leave us alone!" Liam used his super vampire speed and crouched down in front of me, but I didn't see him until after I blinked. I jumped back in terror, and I saw that Niall did the same thing to Buffy. I tried to push Liam away, but as soon as I stuck my hand out to push him away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. I saw Niall grab Buffy's arms and pull her out of the closet. "Please!" I screamed. I saw all of One Direction in the attic now. "Please just take me! Dont take her too! I'll do anything! Just let her go!" I screamed as Liam started pulling me out of the closet, me kicking and screaming the whole time. "Stop squirming!" Liam said using his authoritive voice. This made me kick and scream even harder. "Buffy! HASH SLINGING SLASHER!"

(For those of you who don't know what Hash Slinging Slasher means, it's mine and Buffy's code word for 'RUN!')

Once I said that, the boys looked at me like I was crazy. Buffy did that karate kick I showed her where you bring your leg back above your head and kick their face, and so did I. Liam and Niall let us go and grabbed their faces. Buffy and I started running, but we both ran into something hard when we were going out the door. I fell back hard and hit the ground. I groaned and looked up. Harry was standing there with his arms crossed against his chest, smirking at me. "You can never escape us babe." Liam whispered into my ear. When I turned around I came face to face with Liam. I tried kicking him away, but it didn't even effect him. He just got an angry look on his face.

He growled at me and grabbed my arm, crashing my chest to his. He grabbed my waist and I tried squirming out of his grip, but the more I squirmed, the deeper he sunk his fingers into my side. "Ow Let me go!" I pulled my arms back ready to attack Liam with them, when someone grabbed both of my arms and held them still. I tugged and tugged at them, but I couldn't get them out of their hands. "Let me go!" I screamed and started kicking Liam's legs. He let go of my waist and grabbed my legs, holding them still. I looked up to see Harry with my arms. I was now lying down in the air with Harry holding my arms and Liam holding my legs. I turned My head and saw Buffy in the same situation with Niall at her hands and Zayn with her legs. I tried to pull my legs back from Liam, but he held onto them tighter. I growled in frustration and they started carrying me out of the attic. Down the stairs, and out of the house not even bothering to close the front door. "Where's Buffy?!?!?" I screamed. "Shut up! You'll wake someone!" Harry hissed. I kept screaming my head off. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!IM BEING KIDNAPPED!" I screamed, hoping someone would hear, even though its close to midnight. An Old Lady came out of her house. "Would you be quiet missy? Some of us are trying to sleep!" she snapped. It was Mrs. Hawkins, our grouchiest neighbor. Louis smirked before running over to her. He suddenly bit her neck, and she screamed in terror. I watched as Louis kept drinking from her until she fell down onto her porch. "Mrs. Hawkins? Are you okay?" I asked, my voice shaking. Liam smirked. "That'll teach you to listen to us when we tell you to do something, especially be quiet. She's dead." I felt my body go limp and I stopped struggling. Harry smirked and said, "Good. Now were at the bus. I'm going to put you down, and you're going to do as I say. Okay?" I didn't say anything. He hissed at me. I involuntarily whimpered, and Harry smirked.

Buffy's P.O.V.***

I saw Sam go limp when Harry said something, and I think I know what it was. Mrs. Hawkins was dead. Even if she wasn't the nicest neighbor, she didn't deserve to die. At most, she deserved to have her mailbox stolen. After all, she was 81 and grouchy.

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