Chapter 16~ Surprize!

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Sam's P.O.V***

We walked back into One Direction's backstage area, and suddenly Buffy and I were pinned up against the wall. "Where were you girls?" Liam questioned me as he pressed up against me. I felt his cool skin against my arms, and I realized he didn't have a shirt on. I saw his sculpted 6 pack, and my jaw dropped. I shuttered, and he seemed to notice me staring. He coughed and smirked at me. "Like what you see, love? After all, it is your for the taking." I scoffed.

"Like I would ever want YOU!" He chuckled and said,"Soon enough babe, you're gonna be coming to me and saying 'I love you sexy thang!'" It was my turn to chuckle, and I did just that. 

"Wow. Liam Payne. I never thought I would say this to you, but you finally have shoved a knife so far up your bum that you can't even find it! Go die in a hole. AGAIN!"

I smacked him, and attempted to push him away from me, but he just pressed himself harder to me. 

"Baby, I told you before. You will eventually like me. Not only because I marked you, but also because we have to finish the claiming process. Very soon at midnight, Buffy and you will become one of us. We will trade blood, have someone kill you, then you'll wake up a vampire." I shook my head. 

"No we wont."

"Yes you will. Anyways, where were you ladies?" Niall said. Buffy scoffed. "None of your business." she said. 

Liam looked me in the eyes, and I felt a dominance over me, from him. "Sam. You will tell us where you went. Now where did you go?" I zoned out then. 

"We went walking out around the arena, and came to a stage where BTR was practice performing." I said in a monotone voice. 

Liam's eyes closed and I zoned back in. "Buffy? What happened? I just like zoned out." I asked. Niall smirked. "Liam used his charmspeak on you." he said. I gasped.

"Liam! What did you ask me?!?!?!" I yelled. He opened his eyes and they were a red color. "Well, I found out that you went and saw BTR. Sam. Look at me." He said as I looked away. "Sam! I said look at me!" he snapped. I felt him yank my chin towards him, and I slowly moved my eyes to look above his nose, so he couldn't use his charm on me. 

"Sam, baby. I don't want you going anywhere near them. They are nothing but trouble. After we hosted their movie that one time, they came to meet us, but they were rude. Their manager told us about all of their adventures, and the trouble they get in." he leaned in and pressed his lips to my cheek. "Baby, I don't want you to get hurt. If anything were to happen to you, I would go crazy. You're my possession, my human. My soon to be love. No one sill change that." I nodded my head, pretending to be under his charm. He kissed my cheek, and I strangely felt sparks. Liam got off of me, and Niall got off of Buffy. "We have to go girls, but we will be back after our concert. See you girls later. Bye Sam!" Liam said, winked at me, and walked out. Niall did the same to Buffy, and followed Liam out the door.

Buffy and I waited for about 15 minutes into the concert, and snuck out the backstage area. We walked back to BTR's backstage area, and we knocked on the door. Carlos came to the door and said,"Hey ladies! Come on in!" I didn't waste time to walk in the door, but Buffy hesitatingly walked in. I walked over where James and Kendall were motioning is to sit down. I sat in between them, and Buffy sat acroos from me, between Carlos and Logan. "So girls, how are you?" Kendall asked. "We are great! Although I do miss- Nevermind." Buffy sighed and said,"Its just been stressful being around the boys because their busy scheduals and signings and stuff like that. Y'all know." The nodded their heads. James leaned in my ear and whispered,"You're very pretty. What's your name, gorgeous?" (I have a major crush on James and so like I'm dying because he called me pretty) he asked. I giggled and replied,"Sam." he smiled. "What a beautiful name, Sam. And yours?" he said while looking at Buffy. "I'm-" I cut her off with excitement. "Her name is Buffy." 

"Ahhhh. I see." said Logan. I looked at him confused. "What do you see Logan?" I asked with confusion seeped in my voice. 

"He means that he sees that you have been marked by Liam Payne, and Buffy has been marked by Niall Horan. Suprize! We are vampires too!" Carlos said while growing out his fangs. He pinned Buffy down and James pinned me down while Logan began reciting some weird spell thing. 

"Las Day Markea Disaperea" he said. (A/N: I just made that up so don't try to pronounce that haha)

My neck began to get sore where Liam marked me. It started to throb and I tried to grab it, but Kendall pinned my arms back down. I looked over and noticed Carlos did the same thing to Buffy. 

"Ouch. Son of a biscuit! Stop! Logan! Please!" I yelled. I saw Buffy thrashing around in Carlo's arms, and with that, I slipped into darkness.

Liam's P.O.V.***

"And Live While We're Young!" we sang the last lyrics to LWWY. 

"Thank you guys! You were absolutely incredible! Thank you all for coming out tonight," I zoned out as Harry kept talking because I felt a throbbing pain in my fangs. I ran off stage, and immediately looked for Sam and Buffy in the backstage area. Neither of then were back there. I heard a scream. I ran down the hall, into another backstage area, and gasped at what I saw.

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