Chapter 17~ No mark? What?

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Liam's POV**** 

I saw Kendall holding Sam. My Sam. I noticed she must've passed out, and ot made me ticked. I ran vampire speed and tackled Kendall. Niall done the same to Carlos, and Kendall tried to punch me, but I pushed him into the wall. I saw Niall punching the crap out of Carlos.It turns out that Niall is very protective when it comes to people he loves. Carlos had no chance, and Niall already knocked him out. He grabbed Buffy and in a flash he was gone. I turned my attention back to Kendall, but he was gone. I felt a force push me against the wall. I turned around and Kendall was smirking at me, so I ran vampire speed and knocked him against the wall. I kept punching him and eventually I knocked him out. The others must've went after Niall and Buffy, so I grabbed Sam and fled to our dressing room. I got in the door and Niall had Buffy on the couch, and I put Sam on the other couch. "So where did the rest of BTR go?" I asked Niall.

"Zayn threatened em and they ran off" he said. I looked at Zayn, and he smiled. Niall had a shocked face. "What's wrong lad?" I asked, while he carresed Buffy's cheek. "They somehow broke bond between the girls and us." he said trying to hold back tears. I was confused. "What do you mean Nialler?" I asked getting teary eyed myself. "You know how we marked them? Well they broke it somehow. Buffy and Sam aren't marked by us anymore." he said. I heard a small moan. It was from Sam and after a few seconds Buffy made a moan. They both opened their eyes and Niall hugged Buffy and she just sat their frozen. "Niall get off for Christ sake!" she snapped at Niall. Sam sat up and gave me a glare. 'What did I do this time?' I thought. "Buffy you are in big trouble! You aren't aloud near Sam for a few days, and you have to share a bed with me." he said angrily. "What? No way! That's so unfair! Niall I hate you! Why can't you just leave me alone?!?!" she screamed, and the next I know she slapped him in the face. "You should'nt of done that Buffy." I said. "C'mon Buffy your coming with me" Niall said grabbing her by the wrist. "Don't even think about doing that to me, Sam. " I whispered to her in an authoritative voice, she nodded and I smiled knowing she would obey me this time. Buffy started to thrash in his grip and started screaming. You could Niall was getting impatient and angry, and she slapped him in the face again. His vampire side showed, and he pinned her against the wall. She was still struggling, so Niall said, "Louis grab her legs. Harry grab her torso area, and we'll take her to the van. Buffy and I need to be ALONE for a while, understand?" they both nodded. Sam junped up and tried to help Buffy, but I grabbed Sam, and pinned her down on the couch. As asked, Louis grabbed her legs and Harry grabbed her torso area. Buffy was still screaming, so Niall got some duct tape and taped it around her mouth. Sam started thrashing, trying to help her sister, but I pressed myself on top of her, along with some of my weight, hoping it would hold her down. She kept thrashing, and Niall grabbed Buffy's arms and they walked out leaving Sam and I. I leaned down to Sam's ear and whispered,"Sam. You need to calm down. Everything is okay. Just let her go."

Sam's P.O.V.*** 

I kept thrashing, so Liam pressed himself against me, weighing me down. That made me angry. Niall, Louis, and Harry carried Buffy out of the room, leaving Liam and I alone. He leaned down in my ear and whispered,"Sam. You need to calm down. Everything is okay. Just let her go." I stopped thrashing.

"Let her go?" I asked softly. He nodded while getting his weight off of me, but still pressing himself to me. I took that as an opportunity to fully push him off of me. I jumped up and got into my boxing stance. I noticed him doing the same, because he likes to box to. I threw a punch at him, and he blocked it. He zoomed behind me, grabbed my arms behind my back, and whispered," I told you not to do that love." He held me firmly and kissed my neck. He kept kissing my neck, until he just bit my neck. Again. He began taking my blood, and he pulled away saying,"No you're mine again. I am so lucky." When he let me go, I ran out through the door, determined to catch Buffy.

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