Chapter 20~ LIAM!!!!!:O

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Buffy's P.O.V.***

I woke up in Niall's bed, with his hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me into his chest. Because we were chest to chest, it made it eaisier when I slapped his face. His eyes shot open, and he sat up. He pulled me into his lap and said,"Buffy, you will NOT slap me! Do you understand?" he commanded. I didn't respond. He grabbed my neck, forced it to the right, and sank his teeth into it. "CRAP!!!!! OOWWWWWW!" I screamed, and thrashed. He didn't let go, instead, he called Harry in. "Hazza! Come hold her! NOW!" Niall screamed to Harry. Harry zoomed in and eyed my body, that is currently in a white tanktop and neon green sofees. My back was against Niall's chest, and he wrapped his arms around my waist protectively, and pinning my arms to my side. He pulled away from my neck and hissed,"Mine!" Harry smirked and said,"Don't worry man. I don't like Buffy like that." I felt Niall relax, and I thrashed around some more. "Damn Buffy. Chill hun! Harry, come over here and hold her still!" Niall said. Harry zoomed over to us and grabbed me from Niall. He layed me in the floor, and held my arms above my head. Niall sat down on my legs and began drinking from me again. I keep thrashing, and Niall pulled away. 

"Thanks Haz. You can go now." Niall said. Harry nodded, let go of my hamds, and ran out. Niall looked at me. I sat up and pushed him off my legs. I stood up and walked to the door. My head started to spin, and I steadied myself with the door. Niall came up behind me and pressed me up against it. "Buffy, come on love. You need to sit down." he said. I shook my head and pushed him away. I opened the door and walked over to Liam's room, where I knew Buffy was. I opened the door and saw Liam pinning Sam against the wall, who had ductape around her wrists. He was drinking from her, and she closed her eyes. I ran over to them and pulled Liam off of her. Niall came in behind me and said, "Liam?!?! WHAT THE HELL?" I ran over to Sam. "Sam, Sam please answer me! Please! I can't lose you! Please!" I checked her wrist and found a faint pulse. "Shit." I mumbled under my breath. "Guys! We need to take her somewhere! She barely has a pulse! We're losing her!" I screamed. Louis ran in and said,"Have no fear! Superman is here!" he picked Sam up and ran out of the room. I quickly followed, but I was unable to see Lou. "Darn vampire speed!" I mumbled. Niall came up behind me and said,"Need a lift, gorgeous?" "Cut the chitchat. Lets go help Sam." I said with a demanding voice. Niall nodded and picked me up. He ran us through the front door and down the road.

Liam's P.O.V.***

Harry walked in and screamed,"Liam. Why.The.Fuck.Did.You.Do.That.? She can die, you retard!" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I said,"Hey smart ass, I already know that!!!! Why did I do that?!?!?! I have no frigging clue. I am so stupid. Oh, and why in the world do you care?!?!" He looked down at the floor and said,"Um-I-, Um," "UM YOU UM WHAT?!?!?!" I yelled at him, losing my patience. "I LIKE HER! OKAY?" 

"Okay. Okay?!?! You have got to be kidding me right?!?!" He shook his head and zoomed out the door. I quickly followed, and ran all the way to the hospital, which only took about a minute. I stopped at the hospital, took a breather so my breathing could die down some, and walked in. I walked over to the counter and said,"Excuse me? Miss? could you tell me what room Sam is in?" "Does she have a sister named Buffy?" she replied. I took a good look at her. She didn't look that old, maybe in her 40's, with brown hair and blue eyes. She had on a purple jacket and a black dress. "Yes ma'am. I'm her boyfriend. Can I go and see her?" The lady replied,"Room 340. One at a time please, shed not doing too good." I nodded and though,'Shit.' I walked over to the elevator, and got in. I got to the 3rd floor and walked out. I walled down the hall and saw all of the boys outside her room except for Niall and Buffy. "Where is Nialler and Buffy?" I asked. "In there." Louis replied while pointing to the door that said 'Room 340'. I took a shaky breath and walked in. I gasped at what I saw.

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